Chapter 34

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Sam and I head back towards the house, but when a group of guys with what looks like water guns jump in front of us and we instantly freeze. This is not going to end up good... well at least not for us.

I see fresh grins on their faces as they aim the guns right at us. That's when we ran, but it was too late... they already splashed us with cold water. I hear Sam scream at how cold the water was and I just shivered with a mean, hopefully intimidating glare on my face. I could hear them laugh but my mind kept on telling me- revenge! Revenge!

So that's what I did. I ran up to them and grabbed Ivans water gun and aimed it straight at his face.  He just had a small smile on his face with a look of pure determination.

"Lena, we both know you are not going to shoot me with water", he chuckled.

I pretended to go along with it. I laughed with him, but as soon as he started laughing with me I sobered up and sprayed water all over his face. He was soon trying to cover his face from the pressure of the water, but then the water died down. He was now looking at me with a look that says Your so dead.

My legs only took me so far before I was lifted up in the air. I couldn't help myself, I started laughing.

I then realized where he was taking me and my laughter stopped.  I tried to get out from his grip but he was to strong. I was then dropped in the water. Small waves hit the back of my head as I stared up at Ivan. He was laughing. I then stood up and splashed him straight in the face. He immediately stopped laughing and looked at me. I then started running away. Have you ever tried running  in water thats at your knees? Its pretty hard. My conclusion is falling straight into the ocean gettting salt water in my eye.

I closed my eyes tight trying to bring the stinging sensation down but it didn't work. Thats when someone helped me up and whiped my eyes. I hesitated but soon enough opened my eyes and Ivan was staring down at me with a small smile on his face.

"Thanks" I whisper. Looking into his eyes.

His eyes bore into mine and then he chuckles as he reaches my hair, "You have sand in yor hair"

He takes a big muddy clump of sand out of my hair, which probably looks worse than a birds nest, and smiles down at me.

I shrug and say," You must be jealous"

He plays along and says, " Oh... you have no idea! I have never been so jealous of someone in all my life".

"I know how to cure your jealousy" I say.

"Oh really?" He asks with one eyebrow up.

I nod and grab him by the shoulders and turn him around. I hear him laugh and I bend down and grab a handful of sand.

" Bend down. I am to short"

He laughs again and bends down enough for me to reach his head. I then put all the sand in his hair and shake it around.

He turns around with wide eyes. I just smirk.

" Now you have nothing to be jealous about"

He then bends down and grabs a whole bunch of sand and puts it all over my face.

He holds in his laughter as he nods his head," Yea. I have nothing to be jealous of".

I then pick up a whole bunch of sand and throw it at his face,"Beat that!"

He is frozen in place, but then slowly runs his hand down his face to whipe off the sand. Oh snap. He looks at me with squinted eyes and I laugh. He then starts to laugh with me.

Over our continuous laughter, someone whistles. I look over and, sure enough, our group of friends were waiting on us. I take a look at Sam and she has a massive glare on her face.

"Come on love birds! Its time to go," Len shouted.

I start walking towards our group of friends but he grabs my hand. Not forcefully, but soft, and caressing. I look up at him and he gives me a smile. After a looking into his beautiful eyes he breaks contact and yells back over to our friends, " We will meet up with you guys later! We have some stuff to do."

Len grins, Zach rolls his eyes and Sam smirks. What kind of plans do we have? I don't remember if we made plans or not.

I look up at him in confusion and ask," What plans?"

He looks down at me and I can hear Sam slap the boys for being stupid and spraying her with a water gun. I laugh as I hear a loud smack and a 'hey!' back.

Ivan looks up and chuckles. He then interlocks are fingers and we start walking.

"What are we doing?" I ask him.

He looks down and smiles," We are going on our first official date."

I stop, startled at his words. A date?! I have sand all over me and I probably look like a fished up sea monster. He sees my shocked expression and as I am about to make a rein-check he shakes his head no and says," No turning back now Lena. We are going to our first date."

"Right now?" I ask.

He stops walking as sarcastically says," No. We are just going to go to Wonderland."

I quickly say," Wonderland would be amazing to go to thank you very much."

"Your welcome", he says.

I roll my eyes but smile," I cant go on a date with you"

"Why?" He asks, confusion is written all over him.

I motioned down to my body and say," I look like a dried up sea monster that came back to life."

He then bust out laughing and I took my hand away from his and crossed my arms," Its not funny! Look, how about we go home first and get showered and changed. Then we can go on a date. That sounds like a great plan to me."

I grab his hand and pull him towards the way of my house and he then turns into an anchor, unmovable. I try pulling at his arm, using both hands and he still stays in the same spot. Then the tables reverse. Now he is pulling me towards the direction he is taking me, but I am not staying still, no I am getting dragged. No matter how hard I try to glue my feet to the ground my feet end up moving.

I soon gave up and started walking with him. I need some more exercise. We soon came to this café and I stopped walking.

"Lena, come on. You look beautiful. So what if you have sand all over you and you are soaking wet. Look at me! We both look like dried up sea monsters."

I tried to resist. I really did, but that stupid smile came upon my face and that's when I noticed his appearance. He did look like a dried up sea monster. That's when I started laughing. He laughs with me and I take my hand in his, " Dried sea monsters together?"

He accepted my hand in his and looked down at me with a large beautiful smile," dried sea monsters together."

We then open the doors to this unknown café.

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