Chapter 11

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I woke up on the sand. The light made my head hurt really bad. Where's Sam? I stood up and looked around. I walked up too the burned out fire and know one was there. Where is everyone? Did they just leave me here? I picked up my phone. It was dead...of course. I walked home and the beach was empty. Know one ,but me was on it. When I got too my house I went upstairs too find Sam. When I went in her room she wasn't there. Where is she? I walked downstairs and I heard a familiar voice... Bill. I looked downstairs but there was no one. I heard his voice get louder. What was he saying? I couldnt comprehend because of my hang over. I walked everywhere Intel I saw him. He was in the living room. He looked right at me. He was in a wheelchair. His left leg was missing. He looked scarier than before. He rolled his wheelchair closer too me but I ran away. What do I do? Wait... Ivan is next door. I quickly ran up the back porch knocking hard. Bills voice came closer and closer. I knocked harder. My knuckles hurt really bad. I started too see half of bills wheelchair come out the screen in door. I ran to the front of Ivans house knocking on his front door and ringing the doorbell. No answer. Open the door!!! I yelled to myself.

I knocked harder. My knuckles  became raw so I started pounding on the door. Where is everyone?

I heard bills voice right behind me. I turned around and saw him. He was yelling at me. I still didn't understand a word he said. I couldn't hear what words he was using. I started crying and I pushed my back against the wall and slid to the floor. I went in a corner and he came closer and louder. I cried and cried. I didn't dare see his face ,but I looked up and he was starring at me with disgust and yelled at me more. Louder and louder his screams hurting my ear drums. I caught one word of what he was yelling a me and it wasn't a nice one. He called me a" Bitch" . I cried harder then his hands went on my shoulders shaking me. Yelling louder.

"LENA!!!" I heard my name being called. My name ... not bitch. I opened my eyes and I saw Sam shaking my shoulders. I was crying,I was sweaty, and I was shaking. "Oh my god Lena!! are you okay?" I looked around the room and I saw Sam looking at me. I felt happiness appear in my mind and I hugged her. "Oh my god Sam... That was worse than the other nightmare I had with Tolem. " I was breathing heavy and I was still crying. I looked behind Sam and saw Em. She rushed too me. "Oh my god are you alright? I heard screams from downstairs and I rushed up here. Are you okay? " I nodded my head. I was in my room and still in the cloths I were in yesterday. I sat up quickly and brushed the sweat off my forehead. I looked at the time and it was "3:00!!! Holy crap!!! Its 3:00 p.m!!!" I looked at them and Em said," You have been sleeping since last night." Wow. I never slept that long in my life!

I got up and said," How did I get here?" Sam smirked and said," Ivan carried you."

Oh my god!! He carried me all the way back?? Wow...

I went downstairs. As soon as I stepped on the lower floor I was given a big bear hug from multiple of people. They pulled away and I saw Len, Zach, Brendan, and Ivan. They all looked at me worryingly.

"Are you okay? " Len asked.

"We heard you scream!" Zach said.

"You look terrible" Brendan said.

"What happened?" Ivan asked

I looked at them and said," I'm fine ,I did scream, I know I look bad, and I had a really bad dream" I said.

They all nodded.

I walked in the kitchen and grabbed two Advil and I opened a water bottle and took them. I looked in the living room and saw the spot where I first saw him. I looked there and his face re appeared in my mind and I quickly looked away. "Are you sure your okay? You seem jumpy." Ivan asked. I saw that he was staring at me and I nodded then looked away from him. I was mad at him. I don't understand why I am because it was just a dream. It wasn't true. I looked up at him and said," Thanks for carrying me back to my room." I said.

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