Chapter 27

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"Yess mom. I know- love -bye" Sam said in the phone and hung up. Her mom speaks fast so Sam always gets cut off.

"What did she say??" I ask her.

I almost forgot that Sam can't stay forever. Two weeks went by way too fast. I don't want to have to say goodbye to her. Not again.

"She says that the weather up there sucks so she said I shouldn't drive in that type of weather- and since the weather is bad that's they haven't been fixing the school so I can stay longer."

I jumped up from my bed and squealed like a dying pig. Sooner than later, Sam joined me. The door opened to my mom. It felt like I haven't seen her in forever!

I jumped in her arms. She laughed and Sam joined.

"Why are you not at work mom??" I ask.

"Wanting to get rid of me??" She teased and we laughed.

"I finished my training so they told me to come home and come back to work on Wednesday."

I smiled at her,"That's good! You need a break! Plus, I feel like its been forever since I have seen you."

She gave me a small smile,"I know honey. After all that has happened I guess I just don't know how to apologize. I have been such a terrible mom! I let him treat us like that. Treat us like sh- crap. I should have watched out for you! For both of you!"

She was crying and so was I. I think Sam noticed that she should leave us for some time alone because she gave me a small smile and left my room.

My mom sat on my bed and I joined her,"I feel so bad... it should be my responsibility to look after you and Tolem! "

I hugged her and she cried even harder,"Mom... its not your fault. He might have affected us but he affected you the most. He called you names and sometimes even slapped you. I know you didn't mean for all of this to happen. You loved him and he just disrespected you, Tolem and I. You were scared and scared of what he could do. Mom its fine. I'm just happy he is out of our lives so we can make new ones. " I told her while wiping the tears that roll down my cheek.

She started laughing ,"You wanna know the worst part??? I still love him. I still want him to love me back. He's been in that car accident- I want to know if he is alright. I want to know if it knocked some since into him." She cried even harder.

I didn't know mom felt this way about my dad. Why wouldn't she?? Once upon a time they were still in love. Still happy. When did that change?? I don't even remember. What made him so brutal? ?? Does anyone know???

"I'm gonna get some ice cream okay?? You stay here." She laughed and said,"I was just thinking about ice cream. " I laughed and gave her a hug.

"I will be right back. Love you. "

She smiled up at me,"I love you to."

That made me want to burst into tears. She loved me. Not the love my dad gave the family but I know my mom won't give up on me. Not like how my dad did. I walked down stairs, grabbed my wallet and headed out the front door. I smiled with tears running down my face. I probably look like a freak. My smile soon disappeared with questions. Why ?? Why couldn't he leave if hated us that bad??.

When I reached Brewsters I was still crying. Maybe even a little harder from all of the bad assumptions running through my head.  I opened the door and regretted coming here.

I saw Zach,Sam,Len, and worst of all I saw Ivan. I quickly looked away but I knew they saw me.

Sam came towards me first,"Hey... its okay. Everything is fine. Don't assume things that won't or didn't happen. " I nodded my head and she gave me a hug.

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