Chapter 23

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Hey Everyone! !! Don't know why but I wanted too tell a quote.

"Am I more afraid Of taking a chance and learning I'm somebody I don't know, or of risking new territory, only to find I'm the same old me? There is comfort in the tried and true. Breaking ground might uncover a sinkhole, one impossible to climb out of. And setting sail in uncharted waters might mean capsizing into a sea monster's jaws. Easier to turn my back on these things than to try tjem and fail. And yet, a whisper insists I need to know if they are or aren't integral to me. Status quo is a swamp. And stagnation is slow death."

Ellen Hopkins, Perfect

I was gonna go with a shorter Quote but I thought this one kindov represents this chapter. If you haven't read Ellen Hopkins,Perfect... you need too. Its the best book ever. I love this book so much. The Author is amazing... her books are really unique. Not only her writing but the way she writes them.

Anyways... thankyou all so much for reading my story. I love you all...

Don't forget too vote, comment, and follow!

If you have ANY ideas, question or maybe a opinion... comment or inbox me.

Thankyou again for reading my book/story.

Bye!:) XOXO-Katie


I grabbed a pancake from the plate and ate it. I let the back of my arm show. I read it over and over again. Thinking not only about Megan's story, Cam's story, but mine. I just wanted too cry for Megan. She didn't deserve that crap. Even though I don't know her... I'm still sad.

"Forever?" Len asked while looking at my arm. I did a small smile and nodded.

"I saw it and I had too get it." I said.

"Why Forever?" He asked.

"For all the people out there who went through a whole bunch of crap they didn't deserve... some are still in that place. Its sickening. Its sad." I whispered the last two words.

He looked at me for a couple of seconds and nodded.

"So... did it hurt???" Sam asked. I smirked and shrugged.

If it was actually real it might have.

"Well... I'm gonna go. " I said.

Everyone sighed. I looked at them in confusion.

I turned around and put my dish in the sink.

"Who's Cam??" Len asked. I turned around and saw him holding my phone.

"What the fuck is wrong with you??? Give me my phone back." I demanded.

Ivan snatched the phone and looked at it.

"Who is Cam???" Ivan  asked.

"A guy. " I said and snatched my phone away from him.

I then walked upstairs and went up too my room while calling Cam.

"Hey. " I said.

"What's up???" He asked.

"Pick me up. We can hang out today".

"On my way... be there in five."

He then hung up the phone.

I walked in my room and brushed my hair. I came back downstairs with my boots in my hand. Everyone was sitting in the living room.

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