one- hey there delilah

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the sun was just setting and ivy and i sat on the park benches surrounding the skate park. i didn't skate, neither did she. however, there was a boy who caught my attention on my almost daily walk to the gas station for monster or snacks. he was brunette with brown eyes, freckles and a few tattoos over his upper body. "are you gonna talk to him or just stare at him?" ivy asked me. "shut up" i hit her arm.

"delilah literally just do it, it looks weirder that you are always just here staring at him" ivy told me. "i know i know, but he's definitely way out of my league" i said, staring into the distance at him on his skateboard. ivy was rambling onto me, i tuned her out completely. "hey, you want a picture? it'll last longer" a deeper, male voice startled me out of my little day dream. "oh my god" i said out loud, there he was standing in front of me. the golden glow from the sun cascading across his pale skin, creating a glow around him. "oh uh sorry, i just zoned out" i panicked and made up an excuse. "you zone out here often then?" he asked "uh yeah" i told him. he chuckled "sure" he said.

he handed me a piece of paper with something scribbled on the back. well, technically it was a receipt from mcdonald's and written in possibly the messiest handwriting id ever seen was his number. somehow he'd managed to smudge the ink across the whole thing.

text me

so his name was nate, that was cute. after he handed me the piece of paper he smiled at me and walked away, he looked even better up close. "wow look at you boy magnet" ivy joked to me. "do i text him?" i asked her. "no shit" she told me. "i should wait till later, so i don't seem desperate?" i reckoned. "whatever you want" ivy said. "okay, i've enjoyed our daily creeping session but i've got to work in an hour, i'm going home. see ya d" ivy told me, getting up from our spot on the bench. "see you later" i told her.

i stayed sitting on the bench for a few more minutes. running the paper through my hands, causing the edges to crumple slightly. funny how that happened. should i even text nate? what if he thinks i'm super fucking weird. he did give me his number not call the cops on me though, that was probably a good sign. i must have been really zoned out, realizing i had lost all of the daylight. the park lamps bring the only thing slightly illuminating my surroundings.

i figured it was time to walk home, my apartment was only a five minute walk from the park. i moved out on my 18th birthday and have been living alone for the past 8 months. i like it a lot better, being on my own. my parents were okay but it was easy to get sick of people after seeing them everyday for 18 years.

i arrived back at my apartment and threw myself onto the couch. i looked at my phone, then back at the paper, and back to my phone. "screw it" i said, typing his number into a new message.


i feel like you can't really go wrong with hi. simple, but effective. i stared at my black phone screen for a few minutes until a new text notification popped up.

unknown number
hi, park girl i'm guessing?

you'd be guessing right

does this mystery park girl i'm texting have a name?


hey there delilah what's it like in new york city?

no, absolutely not
i've heard that approximately 7000 times
i'll block you

note: no plain white t's lyrics


you seem fun, wanna hang?

sure :)
when are you free?

i mean like rn
i've got a few of the guys over, bring the other girl you were with
it'll be fun

and she's working, so it'd just be me

still works, so it's a yes?

i turned off my phone for a second, was it really a smart idea to go hang out with a guy i'd met for all of 10 seconds and a bunch of his friends i'd never even seen or heard of? it probably wasn't, but i didn't have ivy to tell me no this time.


536 oakland ave apt 7

i popped the address into google maps, it was a 15 minute walk which honestly really isn't that far but i couldn't be fucked to make the hike tonight. i ordered an uber to nate's place, this would definitely be near the top of the list of sketchy shit i've done.

while i waited for the uber i quickly touched up my hair and makeup, blotting the oil off my face with some powder. i changed into a plain black hoodie and a pair of light wash denim shorts. white and pink nike air maxs on my feet. nothing fancy, i had no clue who i was meeting or what impression i was making.

i looked at myself in the mirror one last time, meh. i didn't look horrible but it was mediocre at best. i hoped nate liked to keep his apartment dimly lit. i really hope he doesn't bring up the mild creeping i did, that was the cause of our meeting. that would be so embarrassing, especially in front of a bunch of his friends.

stop overthinking i told myself, just talk to him normally like the normal human being you are. it really isn't all that hard. my phone dinged, indicating my uber had arrived. i made my way down the gappy and suspiciously shaky metal apartment stairway to the front door, getting into the back of the grey jetta en route to nate's house at 10pm on a thursday. oh boy.


cutcokeonthemirror basically co wrote this chapter

hope u guys like it so far just hold on trust me i have a plan for this i swear

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now