eight- c + d

327 9 11


"how are you feeling?" i asked gus, poor guy had been sick for days. "better, actually" he told me. "that's good, you up to go do something?" i asked, bored of being in the house. "yeah, that'd be good" he said. "what do you wanna do?" i asked. i'd leave it up to him, he was the one not feeling well. "i need groceries" he said, "grocery shopping is not a date" i informed him. "you never told me it had to be a date" he argued. "it's a date" i decided.

"we could go to the beach?" i suggested, "but it's cold" gus said. "gus it's 25°" i said, "but it's windy" he complained. "you can just say you don't want to go" i told him. "i can text the guys, see if they wanna party?" he suggested. "gus, partying with your friends that include my ex boyfriend isn't a date" i told him again. "what is a date then?" he asked. "anything that's just the two of us, that allows us to spend quality time together. it's really not that hard" i told him, i don't know why he was trying to avoid it so hard?

"hike?" i suggested, running out of ideas. "we could do a hike" gus said. "okay cool, get ready" i told him. "what do i wear?" he asked, "i don't know. whatever you want?" i said. "you're the girl here" gus said. "i'm not your mom, you can dress yourself" i told him.

"what's a good walking place?" he asked me. "well we can either just walk to the forest area behind the park or we can drive to an actual hiking trail." i told him our options. "how about the park? then we're closer if we feel like coming home sooner" gus suggested "sure" i said. i went on my tip toes and kissed his cheek, "ready when you are" i told him.

"you look good in my clothes" gus said, pulling at the t shirt of his i had in under my sweater. "i like them" i smiled. "let's go" gus told me.

gus and i walked down the sidewalk, adjusting my stride to skip all of the cracks in the concrete. "you walk slow" gus told me as i struggled to keep pace with him. "you walk fast" i told him. "better keep up" gus said, purposely walking faster. "nooo" i told him, picking up a slight jog so that i could grab onto him, trying to dig my heels into the concrete. gus kept walking with little hesitation, "gonna have to try harder than that babe" he said.

gus and i cut across the park, that park sure had a lot of memories attached to it. gus held a branch out of the way so that we could slip into the wooded area behind the maintained park. "careful" gus said, making sure i didn't trip on any branches or tree roots.

"have you been back here before?" i asked gus, who seemed to navigate the dense forest without issue. "uh, yeah kinda" he said. "do you bring all your girls here?" i asked, joking of course. "no" gus said sharply, "i used to come back here to smoke in high school, it's grown over a lot though" he said. "i see" i said, that made sense.

"haha look" i said, pointing to the bark of a large tree in a bit of a cleared area. 'C+D" was carved in a heart onto the tree. "it's almost us" i said. gus reached into his pocket, pulling out his keychain. he used the knife of the tool on his keychain to add two lines to the c, turning it into 'G+D'. "now it is us" gus smiled at me. it was little things like that he did that made me happy, gus was kind and thoughtful without realizing it. i stepped closer to falling in love everyday.

liked by gusahr, ben_ff and 199 others tagged @gusahr delilxh nature n shit commentsivylouise pop off gusahr that's my girlgusahr ur hot liltracy giraffe legs

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liked by gusahr, ben_ff and 199 others
tagged @gusahr
delilxh nature n shit
ivylouise pop off
gusahr that's my girl
gusahr ur hot
liltracy giraffe legs

gus and i walked a little further, we found a cute little stream that ran through the area. there was a boulder on the edge of it, large enough for both of us to sit on. gus held my arm as i climbed up next to him. i held his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. "life's been so much happier since i met you" i told him. "me too d, i knew i had to have you as soon as i saw you" he told me. "i'm glad you do now, you make me really happy gus. you're so good for me" i told him, glancing up at him from my resting position.

"please never leave me d" gus told me out of nowhere. "why would i?" i asked, nothing had been going wrong. i thought we were happy as ever. gus never answered, his eyes following the moving current of the water. "gus?" i asked, trying to get his attention. "yeah?" he asked "why would i leave you?" i asked again. gus swallowed nervously, he hesitated to answer again. "i'm hard to like delilah, i'm surprised you've stuck with me this long. i appreciate you. promise you'll stay?" gus asked. "promise" i told him, maybe others found him unlikable but i'm gus i found love, care and compassion. he was like my own personal ray of sunshine, even on his bad days.

i was falling harder and harder for gus, i knew i was falling in love and i was falling fast. i didn't want to tell him and freak him out so soon, but my feelings for him were so strong i don't know how much longer i could hide it. i could tell a relationship with gus may be a bit of a challenge at times, but i was up for it. he was worth it, i could tell. i wouldn't give up on him that easy.

gn guys here's a fun story from today :
someone was going 89 on the highway and the speed limit is 100 so i got pissed and like flipped the girl off and went around her and it literally was one of my teachers from high school so that's embarrassing for me

chapter question : other than peep bc i know that's what everyone's gonna say, who's ur fav gbc member ? i love wicca phase w my whole existence

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now