eighteen- french microwave

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"good morning love" i said to delilah, who had just woken up. "morning" she yawned. "how was the first night in the new house?" i asked her. "same as all the other nights here" she told me. fair. "it looks better in here" delilah pointed out, looking at the furniture she had brought. "yeah you're right" i said, interior design wasn't necessarily our main priority when it was just three guys.

it was nice knowing i'd have her here all the time, it just made me more connected to her. our 6 months was quickly approaching but it felt like we'd spent an eternity together, we fit together perfectly and every little detail of each of our lives seemed to weave perfectly together for minimal disagreements.

"has wiggy's girlfriend been leaving you alone?" i asked her, they definitely didn't get along great. no one else really liked her either. "well it's only been one night but i'm sure i'll be hearing from her soon because i live on the same planet as nate and that's too close or something" delilah said, which wasn't even an exaggeration. she did seem that crazy.

poor dude must be desperate or something. her phone buzzed on the side table next to her. "how much do you wanna get that's a death threat?" she asked me, "i wouldn't be surprised" i said. "oh look at that, we were right" she said, turning the phone screen towards me.

unknown number
literally stay the fuck away from nate


collect ur gf please
she's texting me now

sorry d

ya can't stand her
like tbh don't talk to me until you break up w her bc i cannot handle the bitch
or just break up w her rn
either way
breaking up sounds good

i'll talk to her
u don't be too crazy either

can u tell her i'm literally happy in a relationship with gus
you're literally just my friend
like what

i'll try and talk to her

"oh my god they're both driving me nuts" delilah said, annoyed. "she's just crazy and nate's just like oh i'll talk to her. like no dump the bitch" she ranted. "just relax boo, leave em both alone until nate deals with it" i told her, we really didn't need to worry about it that much.

"you're right" she told me, "i know" i said. "just pay attention to me, you know, your boyfriend" i told her, i love her but she does get worked up quite easily over little things. "okay" she smirked and kissed me. she swung her other leg over me so she was sitting on me. i kissed her back harder, grabbing onto her hipbones.

a couple knocks at the door interrupted us. "gus, i broke the microwave can you help?" i heard tracy ask from the other side of the door. "for fucks sake" i muttered. "coming" i said, delilah climbed off my lap and grabbed one of my sweaters off the floor to put on.

"what the fuck did you do this time?" i asked tracy, walking into the kitchen. "it's in french now" he said. "how the hell did you make the microwave french?" i asked him again, fucking idiot. "i don't know, hit a button" he said. delilah stood quietly behind me, not sure what to do. "babes can you get google translate out?" i asked her. "yeah" she pulled out her phone.

after about 30 minutes of random button pressing and google translating we got the stupid microwave back in english. i have no idea what he did to it. "tracy! i hate you!" i called to him, wherever he was in the house "fuck you!" he called from his room. obviously we didn't mean it, but that's just how we acted together. "cockblocked by a french microwave, that's definitely a new one" i said.

i looked at delilah who was picking at her face in our mirror, "stop, you look beautiful" i told her. she needed to stop worrying over such little things. "i don't" she said, stopping and walking over to me. "i mean it delilah, look at you. i'm fucking lucky" i told her.

i was lucky to have her, besides from being the most beautiful girl i'd ever seen and us also being perfectly compatible she had changed my life in a lot of ways. i was happier, i felt better, i drank less, i got high less, rarely touched anything other than weed. she really filled a gap i didn't know i had.

plus she had help me understand myself, she taught me how to love and how to be loved. i wasn't afraid anymore. "you remember that night we ran from the cops?" i asked her, how could she really forget? "yeah" she told me. "that's the night i realized i loved you. i just didn't know what the feeling was then" i told her.

"it was the same night for me too" she told me. "really?" i asked, surprised. i didn't think she could love someone like me so quickly. "yeah" she said, "i trusted you and everyone turned out okay. it meant a lot to me you actually followed through" she told me. "well i wasn't going to just leave you wandering out there alone, of course i'd come to find you" i told her, shocked she would have thought otherwise.

"i love you gus, so much" she told me, putting her hands on my chest. i still felt my heart flutter every time she told me that. "i love you too d, ima spend forever with you baby" i told her, and i really meant it. i could never love anybody else. "you better" she told me.

last one for da day gn
only a handful of chapters left

chapter question: what's ur lucky/favourite number? mines 26

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