twenty one- shitty coffee good friends

185 8 3

third person

delilah, nate, gus and ben sat in nate's living room sharing a shitty takeout brunch. shitty coffee in styrofoam cups scattered the table, as well as take out containers of lukewarm breakfast foods. the four of them sat and laughed together. "i love you guys" ben said. "yeah, this food kinda sucks but it doesn't matter. this is what it's all about, love and family. love you guys" delilah said, expressing her love for her boyfriend and group of friends that had become her family as well as gus'.

"it isn't that bad" gus said, shovelling food into his mouth. "okay but you would literally eat a stick if i fed it to you" delilah said, invalidating gus' food opinions. "fair" gus said.


liked by delilxh, omgimwigs and 189 others 👤omgimwigs gusahr like if me and wigs should get married comments delilxh can i be in the wedding omgimwigs ily bby kournikovax nate what about us 💔

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liked by delilxh, omgimwigs and 189 others
gusahr like if me and wigs should get married
delilxh can i be in the wedding
omgimwigs ily bby
kournikovax nate what about us 💔


a sudden knock at the door surprised them, they weren't expecting anymore company.

nate went to open his door. "oh what the fuck" he said out loud, a familiar redhead letting herself in the room. "well i was hoping you'd be here alone but i'm sure you'd tell them anyways" hannah said. "what the fuck do you want?" nate asked. "i told you that you should have changed your address" gus chimed in. "shhh" delilah lightly swatted his arm.

"i'm pregnant, it's yours" hannah said, everybody in the rooms jaw's dropping. "no way. you're lying" nate said. "oh shit we called it" gus said, "i told you we'd jinx him" delilah told gus. "what?" nate asked them "nevermind" gus dismissed it. "it doesn't seem like you're in much of a place to talk right now. you have my number" hannah said, leaving the room as fast as she came in.

nate stood at the door in shock, not saying a word. "nate..." gus was the first to speak up. "what the fuck" nate repeated. "hey man, relax. we all know she's crazy. it's a high probability that she's lying anyways. she didn't have anything to prove it" gus brought that angle forward. "i can't be a dad" nate said. "you probably won't have to. i agree with gus. id bet money she's lying" ben said.

"we're here for you nate, whatever happens and whatever you decide" delilah said, offering him the support he so obviously needed right now. "should i talk to her?" nate asked to no one in particular. "yes, but maybe give it a little bit. tomorrow maybe, or later tonight" delilah suggested.  "okay" nate said.

he had no clue what to do, blindly following along with his friends suggestions. "what do you need right now natey?" delilah asked, placing her hand gently on his shoulder trying her best to comfort her best friend. "i don't know" he said. "anything you need, we'll handle it" gus spoke from the couch.

"i just, i don't even know what to think right now" nate stuttered, trying not to cry. "it's okay man, we'll figure everything out" ben told him. "are you sure?" nate asked him "i'm sure" ben told him. "what if she's not lying?" nate asked. "well, we can figure that out if it comes to that" delilah told him, trying not to rush to conclusions. with hannah, anything seemed possible.

"i don't want to be a dad" nate said, not wanting anything to do with it. real or not. "that's okay" gus told him. "oh god, it always feels like it happens to everyone but you but here i am" nate said, starting to pace the room.

"i love you guys, but would it be okay if i could be alone for a bit to collect my thoughts and maybe talk to her?" nate asked timidly. "yeah of course dude" ben said, already grabbing his things. "sure man, call me or delilah if you need anything or wanna talk. we will be here". gus told him. delilah walked up to nate, wrapping her arms around him, "it'll be okay, we're here. we can figure it out together" she told her best friend. "thanks d, i appreciate you" nate told her.

the other three left nate alone in his apartment to do whatever it is he needed to do. "i can't believe we actually called that" gus said once they were back in the car. "yeah kinda creepy" delilah agreed. "you better not be next" gus told her "i would fucking hope not" she laughed.

"i feel bad for the kid though, honestly i hope she's just being crazy. he's dealt with enough of her shit" gus said. "yeah it's kinda morbid but i agree" delilah said. "i'll text him later" delilah told gus.

nate's entire situation had gus and delilah never being more thankful for having a normal, stable relationship. sure they disagreed sometimes but at least she wasn't crazy and a liar who literally had it out to ruin gus' life. they didn't know it, but their relationship was the envy of a lot of their friends. none of them ever having experienced something like gus and delilah had.

gus and delilah anxiously awaited into the evening, waiting for news from nate. "that's it, i'm asking him" delilah decided after hours of no texts or calls from him. "babe maybe let him have some space?" gus suggested. "he doesn't have to answer, besides it's just me anyways. he won't get mad" delilah told gus.

heard anything yet?
gus and i are here if u need anything

i called her
went to voicemail
texted but no reply yet

ugh i hate her
hope u get answers soon
run ur future choices of women by someone first
just a suggestion

fuck i know
and yeah seems like a better plan
kinda fucked myself over here


d texted u so i just wanted to check in too
how's it going

bad lol
no answer

love u man
we'll get it all figured out for u soon

gonna try and do 1 more chapter tonight , possibly finish the book if i can stay awake lol

chapter question: what's the last movie u watched? mines red dragon

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now