eleven- emotion novocaine

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liked by liltracy, kournikovax and 99 others gusahr i need amnesia for a day and an umbrella for the rain that hasn't gone away since you said you didn't need me

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liked by liltracy, kournikovax and 99 others
gusahr i need amnesia for a day and an umbrella for the rain that hasn't gone away since you said you didn't need me.
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i had fucked up, bad. i did love delilah, i just didn't know it to be true until the second after she was gone. i'd lost her and now i'd never have a chance to make things right. it hadn't stopped raining in days since she had walked out the door, almost as if the sky knew exactly how i was feeling.

i was an idiot, i think i knew i loved her when she told me but i didn't know how to sort out my own feelings. i should have told her i would try for her, is she gave me the chance. i would have tried for her, i just needed some time to learn and understand. i've never felt this feeling before, i felt like i was walking into a big black void with no clue of what was to come and it was overwhelming.

i could have learned, i could have. delilah wanted someone who was ready now though. she lost her patience and i don't blame her, i was a stupid mess of emotions and confusion. i wouldn't want to deal with that baggage either. i contemplated texting her to tell her that i loved her. i knew now, but i knew it was too late. she didn't have to tell me that.

she was probably with nate right now, it hurt to think about that. perhaps i was always a little jealous of their relationship. maybe they weren't soulmates per say, but he was ready, stable and level headed enough to be in a relationship. he was what delilah needed right now, not me. i wanted it to be me so badly though.

i tried to avoid any thoughts of the possibility of us getting back together, that would just get my hopes up and crush me even harder when it didn't come true. i couldn't take anymore sadness from this right now. so i let myself think that this was the end. delilah and i were over. i may never see her again, she'll never love me again and i'll never have my chance to love her properly.

i wanted to be with someone right now, but delilah hates me, nate would hate me too. the rest of the guys would tell me it's my fault and i was stupid for leading her on when i knew i wasn't ready for a serious relationship. i had no one left really. i could maybe talk to adam, he and nate were the ones everyone went to for everything. they could always help or just listen.

i untangled myself from the blankets in my bed just enough to reach my dresser. i grabbed a lighter and a preroll to spark. i blew the smoke out into my room, leaving the air hazy. i didn't feel like getting out of bed today, maybe tomorrow. i need emotion novocaine.

adam i messed up

what happened?

delilah left me a few days ago

what happened?

she told me she loved me

is that not good?

yes, but i couldn't say it back

do you not love her?

i do

why didn't you then

i didn't realize until it was too late. she was gone

why couldn't you before?

i've never been in love before adam
you know that
i don't know how to
or how to be love
idk what love is
i got scared and confused and didn't know how i felt
or what to say
i didn't even realize love is what i felt until she left
i'm a mess
she just ran out of patience for me

both of you need a few days gus. you're both emotional right now and not thinking clearly. reach out to her in a few days when both of your heads are clear.
tell her the truth
explain how you felt
are you willing to try and figure yourself out for her?

id do anything

tell her
she wants to hear it, i know she does
just let both of you calm down

i don't want to get my hopes up

you're not
you're just telling her how you feel
no outcome is guaranteed
just let whatever happens happen

do you think she's with nate?
do you think she's happier with him?

it doesn't matter
let her cope how she needs to
if she wants you she'll have you back if you show her you mean it

i feel lost without her
i didn't realize how much i needed her until she was gone

don't expect anything from her
but if she wants to she'll come back
don't push her
just tell her how you feel and let her come back to you if she wants to

i love her
i know i do now

it's good you've found clarity in yourself

does everyone else hate me?

i don't think anyone else knows what happened
but no one is going to hate you
promise buddy
we love ya
everyone struggles

my friendship with nate is probably completely done now
my girl can't keep bouncing back between the two of us and we can just act like everything is fine between us
i'm jealous
i am
i want to be able to love her like he does
it seems so easy for him

jealousy will make it all worse
you guys are friends and you both care about delilah
so if you really truly care about her both of you will be happy with whoever she chooses to be happy with
you're different people gus
you're learning now
this is new for you
that's okay
if it isn't d, you'll make someone else very happy

i'm gonna be better
i promise
i can't be with anyone else

hoping for 2-3 more chapters today

chapter question: have u gotten covid yet? i don't know anyone who has

i also haven't even had to be tested b4 i'm built different 😎

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now