twenty two- wherever you are is the place i belong

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"do you remember when we were broken up for a bit and how it just rained all day everyday until we got back together?" i asked gus, laying on our bed staring up at the ceiling. "yeah it literally felt like i was in a movie or some shit, why?" he asked me back. "i just kinda noticed we haven't really had a rainy or shitty day since we've been back together" i pointed out.

"i guess you're right. you're basically the sun anways" gus smiled, turning over to me in bed. a now much larger peep slept between us in the bed. "hey buddy" gus said, scratching his ear. gus had grown quite fond of peep, considering he only got him for me because i wanted a dog.

"you know, if this is what i wake up to everyday for the rest of my life i wouldn't be mad" gus told me. "i hope it is" i said, taking in the surroundings. everything was perfect right now. the annoyances of life seemed to become smaller and smaller day to day now that i had gus to conquer them with, he made every day fun and worth living.

"hey" dylan knocked on our bedroom door, "what'd you need?" gus asked him. "can i talk to you for a minute bro?" dylan asked gus. he got out of bed, threw on a pair of pants and met dylan in the hall. obviously it wasn't too secretive because i could hear them perfectly clearly through the door.

"so um—i'm just giving you, tracy and d my 30 day notice type of thing. i'm moving out, nothing personal man. i love living with you and you're my best friend but i can pretty easily tell that delilah and you are growing more and more serious and reaching a point in your relationship you probably want to sprout some independence and move on with your lives. without roommates. so uh hopefully tracy will follow soon but i love you guys and want you guys to thrive" dylan told gus, which honestly surprised me. everyone seemed pretty set on staying here a while.

"you don't have to do that man, honestly. we're all family, stay as long as you want. we've been here with tracy forever, you don't have to leave because i have a girlfriend" gus told him. "gus it's fine, i promsie. i want to do this. i know she's gonna be more than a girlfriend to you" dylan told him. "well if you're sure then. we're gonna miss having you around. come over whenever" gus said. "of course, i'd miss you guys too much" dylan told him.

gus came back into the bedroom, laying back down beside me. "dylan's gonna move out at the end of the month" he told me. "yeah i know, you guys aren't exactly quiet and the walls are thin i heard the whole conversation" i informed him. "oh, i see" gus said. "yeah, he totally doesn't have to do that but whatever he wants to do" i told gus, not wanting anyone to feel pressure because of me to do anything. they'd all been here long before me and i honestly don't mind living with them. gus and i were just starting to slowly begin our independent life.

"yeah, i'll talk to him again later but he seems to have his mind made up" gus said. "i can see it though, just us alone at the house. picture it; we're married, we have a house, we have peep, maybe a kid" gus said. "do you not remember telling me that you were only asking me to come over, not get married have two kids and a dog?" i asked, seeing if he remembered the one text he had sent me after i broke up with nate.

"well if i would have known then what i know now maybe i would have been asking you to that" gus said. "let's not move to fast" i said, "i'm enjoying our chill days now. limited responsibility, just enjoying each other's company" i told him. of course i wanted to continue my life with him, but right now we could really just worry about ourselves and have fun. our only real responsibility was peep, and we both happily cared for him.

"of course, i know what you mean" gus said, wrapping his arm around me. "have you heard from nate at all, by the way?" gus asked me. "no, not in days since i texted him" i said. odd. i guess he was handling it though, i'm sure he'd text or call if there was a problem.

"what a feeling to be right here beside you, now" gus told me. "i love you" i told him. i felt like i couldn't say it enough, or that i really captured how much i actually love him when i told him that. it never felt like enough. "i love you too" gus said, kissing my cheek.

it'd been a wild, wild ride for us, but i knew we'd be alright. as long as we had each other.

liked by gusahr, liltracy and 278 others 👤gusahr delilxh wherever u are if the place i belong comments gusahr ur my girl forever gusahr 💍

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liked by gusahr, liltracy and 278 others
delilxh wherever u are if the place i belong
gusahr ur my girl forever
gusahr 💍

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chapter question : what's ur favourite cartoon ? mines scooby doo or pokémon

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now