nine- yeah, leprosy

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"you cool if everyone comes over in a bit?" gus asked me, i was sitting on his bed while he walked around the room on his phone. "again?" i asked, sure it was fun to hang out with a group but it's been basically every single day for the last week or so. "yeah, so what?" gus asked, not seeing an issue. "nothing i guess. we just haven't really hung out on our own much or done anything fun together lately, we're always with someone" i told him, this was a reoccurring problem.

"i kinda already told them yes, we can do something tomorrow?" gus offered. "fine" i rolled my eyes. "babe, don't be mad please. i promise we can do something together tomorrow" gus told me. "better keep you word" i told him. he sat down beside me, putting an arm around me "promise babe" he said. "okay" i lightly pecked him on the lips.

nate always made time for me, i never had to bed for his attention. i felt that gus took me for granted sometimes. i know he had a lot on his plate, so i let it slide. loving gus was hard, he made it so easy some days and then instantly could turn around and act like he felt nothing towards me and didn't care about our relationship.

"i got you something the other day. i'm sorry i'm with people so much, they're just like family. i know i'm doing it again but you're special to me delilah, i want you to know i mean it" gus told me out of nowhere. "what?" i asked, surprised by his sudden care for my feelings. gus pulled the curtain back from his window and grabbed a small potted plant. "it's a dahlia. i thought it was called a delilah and the lady looked at me like i was on crack. i think it sounds close enough though" gus rambled, finishing with a bit of a goofy, crooked smile.

"aw, gus" i smiled, it was adorable. i knew he put thought into it, a bit of a misguided thought but still thought. "that's so cute, thank you. it's beautiful" i told him, every single time i started to doubt him he seemed to somehow turn it right back around. it was incredible really.

our moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. "gus put your dick away i'm coming inside in 10 seconds" i instantly recognized tracy's voice and rolled my eyes. gus shook his head and gave me the same look back, sauntering to the front door. "all clear" gus told him. "what's up d?" tracy asked me, barging into gus' room. "not much" i told him. "gustav treating you well over here?" he asked. "very" i told him, smiling.

tracy looked at the pot of flowers sitting on the dresser, "awww did you get her flowers?" he asked gus. "yeah" i answered for him. tracy put his arm over gus' shoulder "i know what you've got, the L word" he said. "yeah, leprosy" gus said. "did you just quote sid the sloth?" i asked him, "yes" he said shamelessly. i loved gus, i hadn't told him yet but it would be nice if he could own up to his feelings as well. however i guess i'm not one to talk, doing the exact same thing.

as everyone else started to arrive, i took my usual spot on the couch in between nate and gus. i wasn't in a particularly social mood tonight, only speaking when spoken to. i sat and just listened to the boy's banter. "are you okay?" nate leaned over to ask me, noticing my off mood. "yeah, just tired" i told him. "hang in there" he told me.

gus, tracy and dylan had wandered outside. i could occasionally see gus' head as we walked back and forth past the window, the cigarette hanging out of his mouth slowly burning away. i took myself to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, "hey" nate said, leaning on the door frame. "woah" i jumped, "sorry, didn't expect you there" i said. "sorry" he said. "just wanted to talk to you alone, are you okay? you're way off tonight" nate said.

"just tired" i told him, "i know that's a lie delilah" he told me. "everything okay with gus?" he asked. "well, yes but also no" i told him, i guess i couldn't really hide it from him. "what's the also no?" he asked. "nate, i love him and i want to be with him. he makes me happy. sometimes though, he's just so weird and distant and seems to run away from his feelings and it seems like he can't own up to his feelings for me. then the next day he turns around and does something super nice and loving and i'm just so confused" i spilled to nate.

"i'm sure he means no harm d, that's just kind of the way he is. gus isn't always okay, his head may not always be in the right spot but his heart always is. he knows you care about him. he needs some consistent like you to love him d, just hang on. i promise. he'll come around. if you really love him i'm sure he feels the same" nate told me. i guess he probably knew gus better than i did. "are you sure?" i asked nate. "i'm sure" he said. "okay" i believed him. we both went back to the living room.

gus had come back inside, he came and gently took me by my waist away from nate. it was almost a small act of jealousy, as it was obvious we were just talking alone. gus didn't say anything else about that situation, but he did keep me closer to his side than usual. he handled my relationship with nate very well, even though we were exes we were nothing but friends now. everyone knew. it was a way better fit for nate and i.

liked by delilxh, kournikovax and 114 otherstagged @delilxh gusahr bad ass bitchcomments delilxh no udelilxh i didn't even know u took thisomgimwigs u guys are the cutest

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liked by delilxh, kournikovax and 114 others
tagged @delilxh
gusahr bad ass bitch
delilxh no u
delilxh i didn't even know u took this
omgimwigs u guys are the cutest


might try to do 1 more chapter tomorrow but i also have to go to the hospital early as shit tomorrow

chapter question:  what's ur fav underrated snack? mine is grapes , tbh

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