two-bad high

494 14 3

third person

delilah stepped out of the uber, staring blankly up at the building in front of her. she pulled out her phone to text nate and let him know she had arrived.

hey, i'm here

omw down, come to front door


delilah walked up to the main doors, waiting in the small lobby for nate. the elevator dinged, signalling it had arrived at the main floor. nate stepped out, dressed in all black. he scanned the room looking for delilah, "hey!" he called to her, locking his gaze on her.

delilah approached him, "hi" she smiled, shyly. "wanna go up? the guys are waiting for me. they're all super nice so don't worry" nate told her. "oh okay" delilah took his word for it. she followed him to the elevator door, slight reluctancy in her step. "how was the trip here?" nate asked her, trying to strike up conversation. "pretty bland, i just took an uber" she told him.

nate thought delilah was gorgeous. he also noticed her at the park everyday, hoping she would be there at the same time as him. he finally took the opportunity to talk to her when he caught her staring at him. "ladies first" nate said, guiding her off the elevator when they arrived at the correct floor.

nate placed a protective arm around her waist as they entered, he knew his friends wouldn't try anything but he just was making it known who she was here with. "what's up?" nate greeted his friends. "you must be the girlfriend?" one of the guys asked, his hair was dyed pink but his natural light brown roots had begun growing through. "she's not my girlfriend" nate told his friend. "anyways" nate said, turning back to delilah, "this fuckhead here is gus" nate said, pointing to the one who had just spoken "tracy, adam, dylan, ben, and jerick" nate pointed out the rest of his friends to delilah.

"nice to meet you all" she greeted them. nate led her over to the couch where she sat beside him, draping his arm around her. ben flicked a lighter, beginning to burn the end of a blunt. everyone took a hit and passed it around the circle. delilah hesitated when it reached her, she didn't do this very often. she took a small inhale, coughing the smoke out immediately. "you don't have to, if you don't want to" gus spoke to her, gesturing to the blunt in her hand.

delilah smiled at the pink haired boy, passing it to nate who was beside her. "those lungs need some practice" nate said to delilah, poking her lightly in the chest. delilah forced a laugh, feeling a little embarrassed. she took a few more baby drags, that was enough for her having zero tolerance. all of the guys got giddier, giggling at everything and saying whatever came to mind. however, delilah didn't like the feeling of this strain, a growing feeling of anxiety in her chest.

tracy and ben were basically passed out in their seats. nate noticed delilah's uneasiness, "are you okay?" he asked her "fine" she told him. nate didn't quite buy it, "let's go for a walk, eh?" nate suggested. "okay" delilah agreed. "can i join you guys, i could use some air" gus asked nate. "is that okay, he's probably got a lot of shit in his system" nate whispered to delilah. "that's fine" delilah told nate, gus seemed nice enough.

the trio left the other guys in nate's apartment, heading out to the street. delilah stuck close to nate's side, feeling overwhelmed by the outdoor environment. nate grabbed delilah's hand, lightly running his thumb over her hand. "you're alright" he told her. "bad high?" gus asked, catching onto what happened. "yeah" delilah told him, scratching at her neck."been there, don't worry nothing bad is gonna happen to ya. we got your back" gus told her. delilah nodded and smiled at him. gus was very nice too, nate and him were the only ones she had really talked to.

delilah and nate walked hand in hand, gus a few strides behind them. gus kept glancing at delilah, who occasionally matched his gaze. gus' jaw almost dropped when nate had brought her in the room, she was captivating to look at. a slow jealousy began brewing inside of gus. he was happy for nate though, his friend deserved a girl like delilah. he was a good guy, he'd take care of her.

the three of them had stopped at the same park delilah and nate had met at. delilah was instantly comfortable with nate. he was super easy going and kind. delilah sat down on the same bench she always did when she would come to see nate skate. nate joined her on the bench. "you feeling okay?" he asked. "meh, just feel kind of unsettled" she said. gus stood just beside them, pulling out a cigarette. he flicked his lighter at the end of it, the small flame slightly illuminating his face. gus held the lit cigarette out to nate and delilah, they both shook their heads.

"do you want a water or something. i'll grab you one" nate offered. delilah lifted her head that she had been resting in her hands. "that'd be great actually, thank you" delilah told him. "i can grab it man, stay with her" gus said, placing a hand on nate's shoulder. "sure" nate said. gus walked across the street to the gas station. "he's nice" delilah commented to nate. "yeah gus is a good dude, he's got one hell of a drug habit though. i worry about the kid" nate spoke about his friend.

gus jogged back across the street to them, handing delilah the bottle. "fiji, i'm spoiled" she said, looking at the label on the bottle. gus smiled at her "i didn't know what kind you liked, figured this was safe". "thank you" delilah told him. delilah downed the bottle, trying to dilute her high.

they stayed at the park a little while longer, delilah finally starting to calm back down. she struggled to keep her eyes open, being hit by a wave of fatigue. "you tired?" nate asked the girl who began to slump over on his shouldn't. "yeah" she said faintly. "we can go back now, do you want an uber home? you can stay over too" nate offered. "i'll stay" delilah said deliriously, she was tired and nate had proven to be trustworthy. 

nate put delilah on his back, piggybacking her home. he was trying to be cute, but she also probably wouldn't make it home very well. "you got her?" gus asked nate. "yeah, let's go" nate said.

they arrived back at the apartment, the other guys had left. besides tracy, who was still asleep on one of the couches. nate softly placed delilah down on his bed, "i'll be on the couch, come get me if you need anything" nate whispered to her. "you can stay, i don't mind" delilah said, encouraging nate to share the bed with her. "you sure?" nate double checked. "yeah" delilah said ,pulling on his arm. "okay one second" nate said, walking to the living room.

"gus, man. you want the couch?" nate asked him, he was worried he also wouldn't make it home. "wow look at you go mister ladies man, already got her in bed" gus said to his friend. "it's not like that" nate said defensively. "mhm, but yeah sure i'll crash here" gus said, making himself comfortable on nate's couch. "aight, night man" nate said, going back to his room.

nate got into bed next to delilah, who was already asleep. "goodnight" he said to her anyways. nate really liked delilah already, he could definitely see this going somewhere. gus was being very friendly to her, nate didn't think much of it. that's just the kind of person he was.

this book prolly gonna be like 5-10 chapters longer than my previous books

do u guys want questions to answer in the authors notes of this book too?

what do u think so far

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now