sixteen- i don't want your man

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we walked into nate's apartment, gus and i were the first to arrive. i told him to call nate but he insisted it was fine if we just showed up early. i had a collection of helium balloons and streamers to decorate with, i enjoyed birthdays. "nate! sup fucker?" gus called into the apartment as we walked in, i let the balloons float to the ceiling and set the streamers down on a chair.

"what the—0h hey guys" nate said, noticing it was just us as he walked into his living room. "sorry we're early, i told him to call" i pointed to gus. "oh no worries" nate laughed uneasily. "babe, what's happening, who's this—" a girl asked, walking out of nate's room a few seconds later. an 'oh shit' look plastered over gus' face, realizing what we had just interrupted.

she was pretty, a ginger with freckles and brown eyes. "gus and delilah, these guys are family to me" he told the girl. she smiled at us "guys, this is my um—girlfriend hannah" nate awkwardly introduced her. "nice to meet you" i smiled, trying to be friendly as possible. i don't know if she was aware nate was my ex but we can keep it that way. i'm sure it would make things really awkward. "when did you plan on telling us bro?" gus asked nate. "soon, i swear" nate said, looking at hannah.

nate looked at his watch, "well, it's 6, the other guys should be here soon" he said. "sure, i'll finish decorating" i said, walking off with my balloons and streamers. i placed them carefully around the room, trying to make it look decent. "you gonna help?" i asked gus, who was sitting there watching me put streamers up. "i would, but you honestly look like you got this. i'd do a shit job" gus told me. "you suck" i told him, joking.

"hey" adam said, letting himself into the apartment as well. "do you wanna help me?" i asked adam. "you know what, you look like you're doing a great job i think you've got it" he told me. "you two are useless" i pointed at him and gus. "nate has a new girlfriend" gus told adam "nate? a new girlfriend?" adam asked back him.

"uh yeah" nate said, appearing with hannah in the doorway. "oh hey, i'm adam" he said, introducing himself to her. "hannah" she said blankly. "new girlfriend?" hannah looked at nate. "oh shit" gus kinda laughed under his breath. "oh yeah, delilah is nate's ex" adam laughed. "adam!" i scolded him, it kinda seemed like an unspoken rule already that we weren't gonna say that.

hannah glared at me, an extremely threatening look on her face. "it was short lived, i'm with gus, i don't want your man" i told her, straight to the point. she didn't say anything. "it's fine babe, don't worry" nate told hannah. right in the middle of all the awkward the rest of the guys all busted in the door, yelling about something.

"happy birthday!" i told ben, "eh thanks d" he said. everyone exchanged happy birthdays to ben. "woah new girl?" tracy was the first to notice hannah standing beside nate. "this is hannah" nate introduced her. all of the guys introduced themselves, going back to whatever they were talking about before.

liked by omgimwigs, ben_ff and 112 others 👤ben_ff delilxh happy day of birth ben we decorated for u commentsben_ff thank u friends i love uomgimwigs those better vacate my apartment by the end of the night gusahr she says we but it was actually j...

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liked by omgimwigs, ben_ff and 112 others
delilxh happy day of birth ben we decorated for u
ben_ff thank u friends i love u
omgimwigs those better vacate my apartment by the end of the night
gusahr she says we but it was actually just her we watched her do it tho #teamwork
kournikovax don't expose us gus ^

hannah.oshea followed delilxh
delilxh followed hannah.oshea

ben handed out a first round of shots, "it's my birthday no one leaves sober" he announced, everyone laughed. that shouldn't be a problem. i sat down in my usual middle seat of the couch, gus and nate both sitting on each side of me. hannah gave nate a look, then death stared at me. i raised my eyebrows at her, but got up and moved to the other side of gus. "jesus bitch, relax" i said under my breath.  "be nice" gus whispered in my ear, he must have heard me.

everybody was a few shots and drinks deep at this point, laughing together and being stupid. i stayed mostly close to gus, occasionally talking to one of the other guys. the drunker i got, the more i talked. the song switched to congratulations by post malone, "my momma calllleedddd see you on tv son" i slurred to gus, he just laughed at me. i turned to nate who was the next closest to me, "now they always say congratulationssssss" i sang.

"fuck off" hannah told me out of nowhere, "calm the fuck down, i'm just having fun" i told her. "maybe you should try it" i added. nate put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her slightly back from me. "take it easy d" gus told me. hannah scoffed at me, turning back to nate. "bitch, i literally don't want him. been there done that. it was weird. he's like my brother so chill" i told her. she looked thoroughly unimpressed.

"ladies, it's fine. just have fun. it's my birthday" ben jumped in, "facts" i said. i turned to talk to ben and gus, taking myself out of the situation completely. "isn't she a treat" i commented to gus and ben. "just leave it d, you're both drunk. not worth it" gus told me. "fine" i said, i ignored her and nate for the rest of the night. i still had plenty of fun with everyone else. ben was right, it was his birthday we didn't need to be fighting.

i was fine with her at first but now she just seems like a bitch, i was keeping my peace. i was actually happy for nate. once everyone started passing out gus called us an uber home. "god damn adam" he said once we were in the car. "right? like can the bitch learn to keep it civil. i'm literally not even dating him anymore" i ranted. "i know, can you just please also keep it civil?" gus asked me. "fine, i'll try" i said.


chapter question: what's the weather wherever u are rn? it's raining here

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now