twenty three- epilogue

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third person
two years later

delilah and gus were still happily together and more in love than ever, tracy and dylan had both moved out and they had started fixing up the house to accommodate them better as a couple

gus still occasionally smoked or got high for fun with his friends, but for the most part had curbed the worst of his drug habit.

delilah saved him, but he didn't think she realized.

gus planned on proposing to her anytime now, he was just waiting for the right moment.

peep was fully grown and was living an extremely spoiled life with gus and delilah, with an occasional trip to uncle ben's

dylan had also found a new girlfriend, everyone liked her too.

nate and delilah were still best friends, any feelings being completely left in the past. nate never found out that delilah had cheated on him with gus before they broke up.

hannah never responded to nate, he had no idea wether or not she was lying or if he had a kid out there somewhere, but there was nothing else he could do.

if u have any other questions or loose ends u want tied up just ask me i will answer

THANK U from the bottom of my heart for reading and supporting i love u all, i hoped u enjoyed this book as much as i did

tell me what u though of it, and what types of storylines u would like to see in the future ( i am willing to deviate from a traditional romance plot as well)

IF U HAVENT ALREADY there's a post on my message board it's like the second last one it's long as hell u can't miss it, PLEASE give it a read and respond i would appreciate it so much and will really help with me getting the next book going for u guys

thank u again
xoxo wavybvby

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hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now