fourteen- michael

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liked by  delilxh, omgimwigs and 117 others👤 omgimwigs gusahr the boys r backcomments delilxh ur literally so cool wowomgimwigs @delilxh thx 😎gusahr she was talking to me duh @omgimwigsomgimwigs whatever u say big dawg @gusahr kournikovax happy ...

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liked by  delilxh, omgimwigs and 117 others
👤 omgimwigs
gusahr the boys r back
delilxh ur literally so cool wow
omgimwigs @delilxh thx 😎
gusahr she was talking to me duh @omgimwigs
omgimwigs whatever u say big dawg @gusahr
kournikovax happy to see

i smiled at gus' post. happy that things had resolved between us and between him and nate. everything was in perfect balance again. "you kept my plant alive" i noticed. the pink dahlia plant was still poking out from behind his curtain. "yeah, made me feel like i was keeping you with me" gus said.

i frowned, i hated remembering what i must have put him through during that. i was in the wrong here, i left him when he needed me. "promise me something?" gus asked me. "what is it?" i said, curiously. "please never leave me again, i couldn't take it" gus said. "i promise" i told him, he was stuck with me now.

"what do you wanna do today?" gus asked me. "just us" he added. "i want a pet" i told him. "that's random" he said, "and d, i love you but like are we really in the right situation to be responsible for a dog or something right now" gus continued. "it doesn't have to be a dog, unless you want that. like a fish would be fine. i just think it would be fun" i told him. gus raised an eyebrow at me, "please?" i asked.

"i guess a fish would be okay" he decided. "yay!" i said, jumping up to hug him. "you're lucky i love you" he told me. "go get ready" i said, excited to go to the pet store. "who's driving?" gus asked, grabbing both sets of keys. i took mine from his hand and set them back on the dresser. "i'll take that as i'm driving?" gus asked. "yes please" i told him.

i looked out the passenger window of his car, admiring the scenery. "we could get a dog" i suggested again. "no" gus said. "eventually we could get a dog?" i tried to compromise. "maybe" he said. "close enough" i told him.

gus pulled into the pet store parking lot, "here we are, run wild" gus told me. he held my hand while we walked up and down the aisles, collecting a tank, filter, rocks, plants and food for our new fish. "what about the fish?" gus asked, "we've got everything but" he pointed to the basket in his other hand.

"i'm  getting there" i told him. we turned down the next aisle to where all of the fish were actually kept. "what kind should we get?" i asked gus. "up to you babe" he told me. i looked along the wall of various fish tanks, a separate section catching my eye. "i like the bettas" i told gus, pointing at the bright and colourful fish kept in separate containers. "then get one of them" he told me.

i looked at each fish on the display, trying to pick one out. "i like this one" i said, holding up a red and white one. "then it's yours" gus told me, gently placing the fish down in the basket. "no, no. you have to carry it" i told him. he half rolled his eyes at me "okay miss professional fish person".

we went through the checkout and paid for the fish and his supplies. once we got back in the car i held the fish up to gus, "what should we name him?" i asked, wanting input. "it's yours, you choose" gus told me. "no, it's ours" i said, he agreed to getting it so it was both of ours. "oh boy" gus said.

"what about michael?" i asked, suggesting a name. "that's kinda goofy" gus said. "i know" i told him, that's what i was going for. "michael it is then" gus said. i smiled at him, "you're a dad now, how do you feel?" i asked, joking around with him. "fantastic" he said.

we got home and i set up the new tank and everything he needed. "there you go buddy" i said, putting michael into the new tank. gus carried it to his room and set it up on the corner of his dresser. "you happy?" gus asked me, "very" i said. "good" he told me.

liked by gusahr, ivylouise and 148 othersdelilxh michael:) comments gusahr son ivylouise i miss uben_ff nice

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liked by gusahr, ivylouise and 148 others
delilxh michael:)
gusahr son
ivylouise i miss u
ben_ff nice


"do you wanna sleep over at my place soon? it's basically just an expensive dust collector right now" i asked. "sure baby" gus said, for some reason we'd just decided his place was the go to.

"stop smoking inside" i scolded him, turning around when i heard him flick a lighter. "shhh" he said. i glared a little at him, it was a bad habit. he slid the window open and blew the smoke out through the screen, then looking back at me. i rolled my eyes at him. "love you" he said. "love you shithead" i told him.

sorry basically filler and shit chapter but i have ideas for the end dw

fun fact that is my fish and his name is actually michael but he's dead now

chapter question: i'm literally running out of things to ask u guys um what's ur fav day of the week i kinda vibe w thursday tbh

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now