twenty- peep

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today was gus amd i's six month anniversary. it had been the best six months of my life, gus had come a long way as a person and as a boyfriend. i should have never doubted him. "baby, i love you and i know it's our day but can you go to nate's or something for a an hour or so? i gotta get stuff set up for my little surprise for you" gus asked. i guess i couldn't really be mad if he was surprising me. "aw, but okay. better be good" i told him. "you'll love it" he said.

"okay bye, love you. i'll be back in exactly an hour!" i told him, kissing him before i left for nate's. "love you so much, drive safe" he told me. gus did a little jog back to the house, he must have get his plan going quickly.

"sup fuckhead" i said, walking into nate's apartment. invited myself over like usual. "sup. gus said i could probably expect you" nate told me, not shocked i was here. "you're gonna love what he's doing" nate told me. "will you tell me?" i asked, hoping i'd have better luck with him.

"nope" he said, motioning that he was zipping his lips and throwing the key away. "ugh you both suck" i told him. "how are you by the way? i guess no one really asked how you were feeling after the breakup" i asked, although he didn't seem to worried. "i'm fine, honestly. it's kind of a relief if i'm being real" he told me. "yeah hopefully she stays away" i told him.


liked by gusahr, dylanjm and 115 others 👤gusahr delilxh my dearest gustav, six whole months; wow how time flies!it feels like it's been an entire decade with u

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liked by gusahr, dylanjm and 115 others
delilxh my dearest gustav,
six whole months; wow how time flies!
it feels like it's been an entire decade with u.
u make me whole and ur my entire world and i love u more than anything! more than u could ever know!
thank u for everything u do for me i am eternally greatful for u. nobody compares to u. even if u never learn how to put ur dishes in the sink instead of beside it i still want to spend everyday with u for forever. thank u to everyone and everything who brought us together. i love you. i am writing this when i'm not with u and i feel like i'm missing half of me. here's to the rest of my life with u my love <3
omgimwigs ur welcome for the introduction
gusahr i am so in love with u also u can come home now bby
dylanjm awww
ben_ff u guys r gonna make me smile stop it 🤮
ivylouise happy anniversary


liked by delilxh, ben_ff and 208 others 👤delilxh gusahr loving u is like a fairytale happy 6 months i love u dcomments delilxh i love u but why did u choose the crustiest photo of me ever gusahr i think u look nice @delilxh liltracy a man of few ...

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liked by delilxh, ben_ff and 208 others
gusahr loving u is like a fairytale
happy 6 months i love u d
delilxh i love u but why did u choose the crustiest photo of me ever
gusahr i think u look nice @delilxh
liltracy a man of few words
ben_ff simple but effective ^


i went back to the house, since gus said i was allowed back. gus let me back in the door "hi, i missed you" he said and hugged me. "i missed you, but you kicked me out" i reminded him. gus led me back to our room, he picked up a bouquet of mixed flowers off the bed and gave it to me "these are for you" he said, "thank you, they're lovely" i told him. "dylan can you bring the other thing i" gus called to the other room.

his footsteps approached our room, i turned around to see what he had. very much to my surprise in his arms was a sleeping and adorable golden retriever puppy. "oh my god, gus you didn't" i said, my hands flying to my face in shock. "i did. he's yours. ben has been keeping him for a few days until i could give him to you" gus said. "oh my he's so precious" i said, taking the sleeping puppy from dylan. "i love him, i love you. thank you" i told gus, giving him a side hug so i didn't disturb the puppy.

"what's his name?" i asked, "nothing yet. you get to pick" gus told me. i looked at him, he was so small and soft and cute and it was making my heart explode. i honestly never thought gus would actually follow through with getting a dog. "what about peep? it's cute. i think it suits him" i asked gus. "i like that a lot" he said, "that's what my mom called me as a kid" he added. "aw that's adorable. it's perfect then" i said.

"hi peep" i said to the dog, he gently opened his eyes. "you're so precious, i love you" i told him, kissing his little head. "i know you wanted one" gus said. "this is prefect" i said. "i've got all the stuff for him too, it's just been hiding downstairs" gus said. "you're the best ever" i told him.

liked by ben_ff, dylanjm and 226 others 👤gusahr delilxh gus and i are parents; meet peep comments ben_ff he can come visit uncle ben again anytime!!!gusahr ur a good mom babe omgimwigs can i come meet him kournikovax me too^ dylanjm the only acce...

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liked by ben_ff, dylanjm and 226 others
delilxh gus and i are parents; meet peep
ben_ff he can come visit uncle ben again anytime!!!
gusahr ur a good mom babe
omgimwigs can i come meet him
kournikovax me too^
dylanjm the only acceptable new roommate
ivylouise he's so sweet omg 🥰
liltracy wait i'm coming home right now to see him
omgimwigs but wow he actually got a dog u have the man absolutely whipped

"happy?" gus asked me, i sat down next to him and cuddled into his side, peep on my lap. "very" i said, this was the best surprise ever. "how long have you been planning this?" i asked him, it didn't seem like a one day shopping trip. "since you said you wanted a dog" he said. "really?" i asked, surprised. he seemed totally against it. "yeah, i just wanna do anything to make you happy d, you deserve it" gus said. "i love you more everyday".

prolly 1-2 more chapters up today. hopefully i can finish it tomorrow!!! (second last post on my message board has info about new books pls give me ur input !!!!)

chapter question: if u could live in the universe of any movie what one would u choose? i literally wanna be in fast and furious idc 😭

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now