fifteen- evicted

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third person

delilah and gus arrived at her apartment the next night, ready to spend a few nights together. as they walked down the hallway to her door delilah noticed a bright yellow piece of paper in the distance, crookedly taped over her unit number.

"what's that?" gus asked. "i don't know" delilah said, not quite able to read it from where they were. once they reached her door she pulled the paper off the door. "eviction notice?" she asked out loud, reading the paper. "huh?" gus asked, pulling the paper from her hands. "why?" she asked. "vacancy, failure to maintain unit" gus read off the paper.

"i don't think they can do that? what the fuck am i going to do? all i've been doing is staying at your place? i didn't think that wasn't allowed" delilah panicked. "i mean i know my landlord is an asshole but i don't think this is in the contract?" she rambled on.

"d, babe. calm down" gus told her, grabbing her shoulder. "baby, just come live with me. cheaper rent and none of this bullshit. you don't even have to bother fighting with him just come stay with me as soon as you can" gus suggested. "you'd be okay with that?" delilah asked him "of course hun" he told her.

delilah figured that could work, she'd never thought about it considering they were early into their relationship and had already had a rocky patch. however, things seemed good now and she had limited options. tracy and dylan were gus' roomates but they were hardly there and minded their business when they were, so it was tolerable. "you're sure?" she asked gus again. "yes, i'd actually quite like it. you basically live with me most days anyways" gus said. that was true, they'd basically already experienced living together so not much would be different.

"okay, we can give it a shot" delilah decided. "sounds good to me" gus told her. "why don't you call your landlord and figure out when you need your shit out by?" gus suggested. "that's probably a good idea" delilah said, pulling out her phone. she stepped inside the door while the phone rang.

"ian?" she asked when the phone picked up. "hello?" he said on the other side of the phone. "uh yeah, i just got your notice you left on my door. how long do i have?" she asked with a snarky tone. "well, i did put it up on the first of the month, so it appears you've got 17 days to get out" the landlord told her.

"you're lucky i had easy access to other arrangements or id be taking this a lot farther. i hope you don't try to pull shit like this on anyone else" delilah snapped, and hung up the phone. she walked back to gus, "17 days" she told him. "well might as well make the best of those 17 days" he said, following her into the apartment. "i should probably clean up and start packing soon yeah?" she asked him. "soon" gus told her, "we've got plenty of time babe".

"i'm still freaking out" delilah told him, pacing back and forth across the living room. "babe, it's fine we literally have a plan" gus told her. "it's not fine" delilah said. gus pulled the joint out from behind his ear, holding out to her "relax" he told her. "not inside!" she snapped at him again. gus put his hand on her back to guide her to the balcony. he lit the joint and passed it to her "chill, you need it" he told her.

delilah huffed angrily, then taking a few puffs. "it's just stupid you know" she said "i agree" gus said, trying to avoid agitating her further. "d, i promise it'll be fine. i'll take care of you" he told her. he was happy to have her move in any time now, even before her eviction date. whatever she needed.

delilah reefed away at the joint in her hand, letting the thc relax her nerves a little. "thank you" she told gus, he put up with her well. "love you" gus said, hugging her from behind and resting his head on her shoulder. "i promise it'll be fine" he reassured her. "i don't know what i would do without you" she told him.

delilah threw the roach into the ash tray and took her and gus back inside. it was approaching dinner time and gus was starting to get a little hangry. delilah opened the fridge to see what she could feed them. "shit, i have like no food" delilah said, looking at her concerningly bare fridge.

"uber eats?" she asked gus, "i'm down" gus told her, willing to eat just about anything. "just pick anything, put it on my card" delilah told him. gus scrolled through the app, "shawarma?" gus asked. "works for me" delilah told him, handing him her card.

"it's ben's birthday tomorrow by the way" gus told her, he couldn't remember if he told her not. "oh shit, should we get him something? are we doing anything?" delilah frantically asked. "meh. i'll just give him some weed or something, probably will go to nate's, or here" gus said. "why do we only ever go to nate's or yours?" delilah asked. "not sure, just ended up like that" gus told her, there really was no reason.

"you're good if we end up at nate's though?" gus asked her, "yeah i really don't care" she said. even though everything had been established as fine everyone still expected tension between delilah and nate. "i think everyone's gonna be there, it'll be fun" gus told her. "yeah i'm looking forward to it" delilah told him. "you're okay if we have a night with people instead of alone?" gus asked, "yeah babe it's fine. i don't care if we hang out with people as long as we have some time together. it doesn't have to be all the time" delilah told him. "oh okay, love you" gus told her, he thought she just didn't like seeing friends. "i love you" she told him.

possibly one more chapter tonight but i do not know
how are y'all

ALSO!! there is a very important post on my message board (most recent one) i would deeply appreciate if y'all read and responded to it thank u!!!!ily
what y'all think so far ?
who's ur fav character ?

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