six- cocaine

383 10 3

third person

delilah and gus laid in the grass on top of gus' jacket. both of them watched the stars, enjoying the peaceful moment together. "is that the big dipper?" delilah asked gus, pointing to a cluster of stars in the sky. "i don't know, maybe" gus said, clueless. delilah laughed at him a little. gus rolled onto his side to look at delilah better. "you look really pretty tonight" gus told her. "you can't even see me, it's pitch black" delilah observed. "i just know you do" gus told her.

tagged @delilxhliked by delilxh, liltracy, omgimwigs and 237 othersgusahr lil rager 😘commentsdelilxh why are u posting about me like i'm stormi gusahr idek what stormi isivylouise d ur an angel omgimwigs i miss u guys, hang soongusahr sure thing ...

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tagged @delilxh
liked by delilxh, liltracy, omgimwigs and 237 others
gusahr lil rager 😘
delilxh why are u posting about me like i'm stormi
gusahr idek what stormi is
ivylouise d ur an angel
omgimwigs i miss u guys, hang soon
gusahr sure thing boss @omgimwigs

gus sat up and lit a joint, delilah's head resting in his lap. he took a hit and held it so delilah could take a drag off it as well. gus smoked the joint down to half, passing it to his girlfriend to finish. gus pulled out his phone and credit card. "what are you doing" delilah questioned. gus reached into his pocket again pulling out a small white bag of powder. "oh" delilah said, realizing what he was doing.

gus turned away from her for a second, dumping a small amount of the cocaine onto his phone screen, scraping it into a line with the card. delilah watched gus effortlessly breathe in the powder. "can i try?" delilah asked. gus looked at her, surprised. "baby, you can barely handle a full joint by yourself" gus told her. "but can i try it?" delilah asked again. "you don't wanna get into this shit" gus advised her. "but you do it" delilah pointed out. "i don't care about myself baby, take care of yourself" gus told her.

"please, you do it and you always seem happy after" delilah persisted. "i'm just tryna take care of you baby" gus kept denying her request. "if it's good enough for you it's good enough for me" delilah wouldn't stop. "just one" gus said sternly. he poured barely a dusting of a line for her, passing her the phone carefully. delilah followed exactly what she watched gus do, snorting the line back.

delilah felt an instant rush to her head, the world spinning quickly around her. "you good?" gus asked her. she nodded, letting the feeling settle. she curled back into gus' lap until the dizziness went away. "how do you feel?" gus asked. "good and like floaty and like i'm going really fast and everything is really fast" delilah rambled. "that's normal babe, i'm right here too" gus reminded her. delilah sat back up, finally feeling okay enough to enjoy the high.

"we should do this more often" delilah suggested. "no hun, this is your first and last time" gus told her, he wasn't about to let her fall down the same road he did. "aw" she sulked. "it's for your own good" gus told her, running his hand through her hair.

"fuck" gus said, fear in his voice. "what?" delilah asked back, now equally as panicked. "there's a fucking cop" gus subtly pointed to the other side of the street. "do you think he saw?" delilah asked, now really freaking out. "look i don't wanna scare you, but there's a ninety nine percent chance he saw everything" gus informed her. "shh, it's okay" gus said, rubbing her back. "d, baby, i'm gonna need you to get up for me and just walk away like nothing happened, don't run until they can't see you. i'll come find you and keep your phone on" gus told her ushering her away. "are you sure?" delilah asked, she was high, panicked and now being sent off alone. "yes baby, nothings gonna happen to you if you do what i told you. i'll come find you i promise" gus said. "okay" delilah agreed, walking off in the opposite direction.

gus watched to make sure delilah got away before getting up himself. he left any drugs or paraphernalia in the grass, it'd be worse if he was caught with it on him. he walked quickly to the other end of the park, trying not to draw attention to himself. a bright flashlight shone onto him just as he thought he was in the clear. "fuck" gus muttered to himself. "can you stop right there sir" the cop told him. the adrenaline took over gus body, he took of running as fast as he could in the last direction he'd seen delilah go. the cop's footsteps pounded behind him as he chased him. "stop!" the cop told him. gus kept running, taking random corners trying to shake the damn cop.

gus felt himself getting tired, but he couldn't stop. he forced himself to run harder, starting to hear the stomp of the boots behind him grow quieter. gus spotted an alley ahead, hopping the fence to get into it. he sprinted to the end, running a few more blocks straight ahead before turning again. he had finally lost the cop chasing him, thank god. gus vaguely recognized the area he was in, he was only minutes from nate's place.

delilah had already found her way to nate's, she had no idea where else to go. she pounded on nate's door, she needed him to let her in. nate cracked the door open, too see who was banging his door down. "delilah?" he asked. delilah entered the apartment sobbing, falling into nate's arms. "delilah, what's wrong? where were you? are you hurt?" nate questioned her, holding her up while she cried into his shoulder. "gus, there was a cop and we ran and i don't know where he is and he's gonna get arrested and it's my fault and i don't know where to go or do and i'm never gonna see him again" delilah blabbered into nate's shoulder. "d, slow down please. look at me" nate said. delilah looked up at her ex, "christ, what are you on?" nate asked, noticing the size of her pupils. "coke" she answered. "gus gave it to you?" nate asked. "yeah" she said. "i'm gonna kill the stupid bastard" nate grumbled.

nate continued to try and calm her down, "can you tell me again what happened, now that you're calmer?" nate asked. "we were at the park and we were smoking and did a few lines and then gus saw a cop. he told me to leave and i did and no one bothered me but i'm pretty sure they were chasing gus. i don't know where he went, he said he'd come find me but he hasn't texted me or anything" delilah explained, slightly more collected.

"did you try calling him?" nate suggested. delilah took out her phone, dialling his number. "it's ringing" she said. "baby? where are you?" gus picked up the call. "i'm at nate's, are you okay?" delilah asked. "i'm good, told you not to worry. i'm not too far. i'll meet you there, hang tight with nate for me okay?" gus said. "okay, see you soon" delilah said and hung up.

delilah side hugged nate, needing some kind of comfort. "see, he's okay" nate told her. "i was just scared" delilah told him. "i know you were" nate said. there was a knock at the door not too much later. nate doubled checked who it was, then letting gus in. delilah ran to him, throwing herself into his arms. "you're okay" delilah said. "yeah i am baby" gus told her, rubbing her back. nate let gus and delilah have their moment, he could see delilah visibly relax in gus' presence. it hurt him a little to see her happy with someone else but it's what was right, they weren't meant to be.

"gus, can i talk to you for a second?" nate pulled his friend aside into the kitchen. "what the fuck are you giving her anything stronger than weed for?" nate questioned him. "i tried to tell her no, but she wanted to try it" gus explained. "what the fuck is wrong with you? you're gonna kill her" nate grew increasingly angry. "nate, you're like a brother to me but it was her own choice. don't be that mad i stole your girl and let me get back to her, she's terrified" gus said, telling him off a bit.

gus helped delilah off the couch. "i'm gonna take you home, okay baby?" gus said. delilah still rested most of her body weight into gus. "okay" she said. "thanks nate" she said, turning to him. "no worries, see ya" he said to his friends. gus took delilah back to her room and stayed the night just to make sure she was okay.

going to bed now hopefully 2 more chapters tomorrow

chapter question : who's ur fav artist besides peep? mines blackbear or mgk or guardin

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now