thirteen- end of the day

284 10 7

third person

"should i text him? am i ready?" delilah asked nate, finding herself in a bit of a panic. it had been a few days and she still didn't know what to do. "i can't tell you if you're ready or not" nate told her. "how do i know?" she asked him. "do you wanna talk to him? hear his voice? be with him? see him again? work something out? any of that?" nate asked. any of those would be good enough reason to text him.

"all of it" delilah told him. with each day that passed her anger and sadness drifted away. guilt, regret and loneliness replacing them. "then i think you should" nate told her. "okay, if you say so" she always trusted nate's opinion. delilah stared at the phone in her hand, looking at her reflection in the black screen. she hoped that maybe gus would text her first in the next few moments, but the screen stayed dark.

she tapped her nails on the back of her phone case, trying to think of all the things she could say. she didn't know how much she wanted to actually talk over text, she preferred conversing in person. "what do i say" she asked nate. he shrugged at her, "whatever you feel like" he said. "you're not much of a help" delilah told him. "this isn't my situation to deal with" nate told her. well, he was right. she should probably make her own decision for once.

hi, can we talk soon?

hey d

the messages had sent at the exact same time. the universe must have known they were waiting to text each other. it was a very strange coincidence they decided to send the first message at the exact same time.

oh guess we were on the same page

yeah haha
but yeah
i'd like to talk
when are you free?


right now?

"gus wants me to come talk to him right now" delilah told nate. "go" he told her, someone had to make her do it.

30 mins?

works for me
drive safe


"i'm gonna leave in a few minutes" delilah told nate. "okay, good luck. you'll be okay. i'll be thinking about you" nate told her.  "thanks natey" she told him. she didn't do much to her ready, only slightly freshening up in the bathroom. she grabbed some shoes, her purse and keys and left for gus' house.

for some reason she wasn't nervous, she was actually looking forward to seeing him again. no matter what happens, she missed him and wanted to talk to him again. the drive to gus' was comfortably familiar, making things feel back normal.

she parked her car and headed to gus' door. she half ran up the stairs, trying not to look like a psycho to any passer-byers. she arrived at the door and knocked eagerly. gus must have been waiting, opening the door immediately. "hi" delilah smiled, she felt very upbeat.

gus didn't look as good. dark circles around his sunken eyes. he looked tired and his hair was a mess. the sight of delilah in front of him caused him to crack a smile, for the first time since he had seen her last. "hi" he said back. delilah sprung forward to hug him, holding onto him like she may never see him again. "i'm sorry" she told him. gus was surprised by her optimistic mood but he happily hugged her back. "no, i'm sorry" he told her.

"no gus, i should have talked it through with you. given you the chance. you deserve it. i'm sorry, i overreacted. i love you, and if you're willing to give me another chance i wanna fix things" delilah said, lifting her head off his shoulder so she wasn't mumbling. "i'm sorry d. i wasn't what you needed me to be, i should have told you sooner. i'm ready now though, i wanna try things again. i honestly thought i had lost you forever and i'd never be able to tell you i love you" gus told her.

"you love me?" delilah asked, making sure she heard him right. "i love you delilah, i'm sorry it took all of this for me to realize it. i have a lot to work on still but i wanna be with you" gus told her. delilah smiled uncontrollably, he did love her. "being away from you was one of the hardest things i've ever done" gus told her. "me too gus. i missed you" delilah told him.

"i promise i'll be better this time" gus told her, taking her hand. "me too. we're in this together, we help each other grow" delilah smiled at him. gus leaned down and kissed her, he couldn't resist anymore.

"delilah, will you be my girlfriend? ...again" gus asked her, hopefully. "of course" she told him, now that she was next to him again she didn't have a single doubt in the world that she wanted to be with anyone besides gus.

her phone buzzed in her pocket a few times, someone was texting her. "nate?" gus asked. "probably, don't worry though. he's probably just making sure everything is good. he was like the biggest supporter of us getting back together, don't worry" delilah defended her relationship with nate, scared gus would be jealous.

"it's okay, i'm glad you guys can still be friends." gus had let his jealousy go, nate and delilah were only friends and being jealous over that wasn't worth losing his girl once again. "he misses you too" delilah informed gus. "we're all good again, everyone can hang out together soon. we can spend some time alone though. i know that's important for you" gus told her, trying to avoid making the same mistakes as last time.

"i'd like that" delilah told him. "i love you" gus told her again, happy he could understand it now. "i love you too gus".

liked by delilxh, omgimwigs and 245 others 👤 delilxh gusahr if there's something i learned from a million mistakes you're the one i want at the end of the day comments delilxh love u 😽 omgimwigs this makes me so happy kournikovax finally liltrac...

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liked by delilxh, omgimwigs and 245 others
👤 delilxh
gusahr if there's something i learned from a million mistakes you're the one i want at the end of the day
delilxh love u 😽
omgimwigs this makes me so happy
kournikovax finally
liltracy wait what happened


prolly will have 1-2 more chapters up tonight
hoping to finish this up in a few days and start another book for ya

hey if ur reading don't be afraid to say hi  if don't bite

chapter question: what's ur summer vibe song rn? mines literally peaches by the biebs idgaf shit slaps

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now