three- mineminemine

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nate and i were going on our fourth date today. things had been going well with nate. he was a great guy, super kindhearted, super easy going and just an overall pleasant person to be around. i liked nate a lot and he was a good looking guy, there was a connection between us but i wouldn't necessarily call it chemistry. it was almost more like he was like a brother or best friend to me.

nate said he had a cute date planned for us and that i should meet him at the park we always went to. nate told me to meet him there after his morning skate. he was a little obsessed with it. i watched nate do a few tricks before he noticed i was standing there, he noticed me and grabbed his board. "hey babe" i said, hugging him. nate leaned down and kissed me. "you ready?" he asked. "yeah" i smiled.

"oh, hi gus" i said, noticing he was also here was he approached us from one of the ramps. gus looked me in the eye for a second, then looking my body up and down. "see ya guys later, have fun" he said, leaving like it was nothing.

nate grabbed a cooler he had packed with his stuff, "i made us a picnic" nate smiled. "aw, that's so cute. i'm excited" i said. nate took us towards the outskirts of the park under a tree, laying out a blanket. nate pulled out a bunch of snacks he knew i liked. he was so thoughtful. we both snacked away and chatted, enjoying our time with each other. i could talk to nate about anything, we could banter back and forth without anyone getting mad or offended. it was nice.

"lila, can i ask you something?" nate asked me, looking up from his food. "shoot" i said, awaiting his ask. "delilah you're incredible, do you want to be my girlfriend?" nate asked. i was surprised, i wasn't expecting him to ask so soon. nate was sweet and i enjoyed spending time with him, so why not? "yeah" i smiled at nate. he grinned, happy of my response.


tagged @delilxh liked by delilxh, ivylouise and 187 othersomgimwigs my girl, officially :)

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tagged @delilxh
liked by delilxh, ivylouise and 187 others
omgimwigs my girl, officially :)

delilxh aw natey <3
kournikovax happy for u guys
gusahr oh wow, congrats tho


tagged @omgimwigs liked by omgimwigs, ivylouise and 203 othersdelilxh mineminemine :)

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tagged @omgimwigs
liked by omgimwigs, ivylouise and 203 others
delilxh mineminemine :)

ivylouise yes i love this
omgimwigs i look cute
delilxh @omgimwigs u do
gusahr ;)
gusahr @omgimwigs date me instead u stud

yes i'd accepted to be nate's girlfriend, but i was having some second doubts. it wasn't him, he was a fantastic human and i loved him but i wasn't in love with him. he really just felt like my best friend. i didn't feel myself falling in love, there was no passionate attraction between us. for the time being i was happy just to spend time with him, that wasn't the problem however, i was scared i was going to have to be the one to break his heart one day.

i didn't want to lose nate forever, i'd always want him as a friend. i knew i got myself into a bit of a tricky situation but we were happy for the time being. nate took us for a drive around after we ate, "do you want me to take you home, or we can chill a little longer?" nate asked. "we can do a few more rounds of our little route" i said. "sure thing babe" he said, taking one hand off the wheel and placing it on my leg. nate kept staring forward, paying attention to the road ahead of him and slowing for the upcoming red light. once the car stopped he leaned over the centre console and kissed me. "you make me very happy delilah" nate told me. "you make me happy too nate" i said, that wasn't a lie.

nate brought me back to my apartment after driving us around a little while longer. "do you want me to walk you up?" he asked me "sure" i smiled. nate came around to my side of the car and opened my door for me, taking my hand to help me out. he held my hand up to my front door. "bye babes" i told him, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "bye hun, i'll call
you before bed?" nate asked. "talk to you then, bye natey" i said, entering my apartment.

my phone chimed, i picked it up assuming it was just nate or ivy.

unknown number

who's this?

unknown number

oh hey
did u need something?

nah just stole ur number off wigs phone
u seem chill
we can be friends

haha sure

u feeling better since ur shitty high the other night?

yeah lol idk what happened, thought i woulda scared nate off lol

nah he's a teddy bear he'd take care of u every time
u looked good today btw


not to be weird

i stopped texting gus, it was a strange comment coming from my boyfriend's best friend. i wasn't offended but it didn't feel right. gus was nice, i could tell he had a good heart but maybe some of his morals were a little questionable. i didn't want to admit it but i also found gus sort of attractive, he had a bit of a different look than nate but i could dig it. oh god i definitely can not be thinking this right now, think about nate delilah. nate. you're with nate and you like nate.

before bed my phone rang, 'nate <3' popped up. i picked up "hi love" nate spoke through the other end. "hi" i replied, "just calling to say goodnight" nate told me, "goodnight natey, see you tomorrow?" i asked. "yeah the guys are coming over but you can come too" he said. "okay i'll be over, night nate" i said. "night delilah"

i will try to do another chapter tonight but no promises
y'all like it so far?

chapter question: where are u from? i'm 🇨🇦

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