twelve- misery loves company

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 liked by gusahr, omgimwigs and 112 others delilxh hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again

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liked by gusahr, omgimwigs and 112 others
delilxh hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again.
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liked by delilxh, kournikovax and 224 othersomgimwigs misery loves company so hey what do you say?commentsdelilxh cute

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liked by delilxh, kournikovax and 224 others
omgimwigs misery loves company so hey what do you say?
delilxh cute

i'd been staying at nate's all week. our relationship had begun to rekindle. i hadn't spoken to or heard from gus, i secretly was hoping he'd text me but i knew i was better off without him. for right now, at least. "do you need anything?" nate asked me. "i'm okay" i told him.

i knew i was just rebounding, i didn't want to lead nate on to something that wasn't real again but it was nice to have him as a consistent relationship in my life. he was good to me, and always there when i needed him. at the very least he was a friend, sometimes more.

"are you okay?" nate asked me "all good" i said. "no d, like actually. are you okay? you haven't really talked to me about it since the other night" nate said. "i've got a lot going on in my head" i told him. "like what?" he asked, trying to get me to talk.

"sadness, anger, guilt, confusion, regret, uncertainty, loneliness, worry" i told him. "why are you sad?" nate asked me. "gus doesn't feel the same" i told him. "why are you angry?" he asked, starting to go through my list. "because he led me on into a relationship he wasn't ready for. he played me" i said. nate didn't say anything to my responses, just continuing to ask how i was feeling.

"why are you feeling guilty?" nate asked, he seemed confused by that one. "maybe i should have given him a chance. he's sad now, maybe this didn't have to end up like this" i said. "what are you confused about?" he asked. "my feelings. his feelings. how it ended up like this" i said, resting my head on my hands. "you regret your choice?" he asked. i did. "i don't know. i feel like i'm going too maybe i should have just given him some time." i told him.

"d, i'm gonna keep it real with you here. i think you miss him, i think you may have over reacted slightly and i think you should give him a chance. take time if you need it, but i don't think it needs to be over. you just need to help him grow and learn" nate told me, a little harsh but it was the truth. "i didn't really sign up for that though" i told him. "delilah, if you actually love gus and want to be with him this is just something you'll have to do. d, i'm here and want to support you with this but you're gonna have to take my advice, or advice from any of us. we've known gus for years" nate told me. "i'll think about it" i told him.

"nate?" i asked, grabbing his attention back from whatever had distracted him on the other side of the window. "yeah?" he asked. "thank you" i told him, "for being here. it really means the world to me. i'm lucky to have you" i thanked nate. he really had been my saving grace many times. "anytime d" nate said, he kissed the top of my head.

"anything else you need to talk about?" nate asked, sounding like he didn't believe i was okay. "do you think i should talk to him. do you actually think we're good together? i could stay with you nate. i really do miss you some days" i told him, i had started having an inner conflict while i was staying with nate.

"d, i love you. i'll always love you. we both agreed that a relationship isn't the right thing for us" nate told me. he was right, i know. "you love gus, i've never seen anyone click quite like you two. even when we were together, it was like a magnetic connection between you two in a room together." nate told me. it was a little weird to have my ex talk about me and another guy like that when i was still dating him.

"i'll give it a few days" i said. "that's a good choice" nate told me. "you can stay here as long as you need" he told me. "thanks natey" i smiled and hugged him, i was beyond thankful for him.


is d with you?

yeah why

i'm with gus
i won't tell him she's there
just want to make sure i'm directing the situation accordingly

they both need to chill and talk

that's what i told him
he loves her and misses her
he's gonna try and text her in a few days

d feels the same
i told her to text him too, should we just let them sort that out on their own

yeah probably
just wanted to make sure they were both on the same page
before i got his hopes up too bad

it appears they are

hows d?

rough, i think she's really regretting acting so extremely
how's gus?

never seen him like this man

dw nate and adam's cupid service to the rescue

yeah i hope it works out for them
they were happy

me too man

i'm not gonna tell them we talked but i can tell him with a bit more confidence that it'll be okay and work out

you can tell gus loves her
he just didn't quite know how to show it or say it


who else knows they're broken up?

just us as far as i'm aware

let's keep it that way
hopefully they can work it out and be back together and nobody will even notice

leaving gus' now
i'll check in with you in a few days


it all coming together now i promise i have a plan

what do u guys think so far? is it what u expected ?

hoping that this rain will wash away my sorrows and help me grow again |lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now