[3] Volunteer

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My arms were folded in front of my white jacket as I walked the Prime path. This morning, Karl explained he had agreed to help Sapnap with something earlier so he headed off to do so, leaving me alone at his house. I realized It gave me a perfect opportunity to do a little exploring of the Dream SMP myself.

I didn't exactly remember how I had gotten to my current location; I had just been following the path. At the moment, I was walking parallel to the walls of a white house. Well, it was technically a mansion given how big it was. The house was really one of the only buildings down this part of the path, so I was sure to come to the end of it soon.

As I reached the back of the mansion, I spotted a dark building in the distance. The wooden path had ended, but the small building stood farther off in the grass.

The dark colors and design matched the one of the larger building behind it. In fact, the second one looked bigger than the mansion I currently stood beside. It definitely looked more sinister as well, with it's huge towers and iron bars. I squinted, trying to see how far the building extended into the distance. It was situated in water, which gave me the impression of some sort of castle surrounded by a moat. But who needed a giant building surrounded by water?

Intrigued, I stepped onto the grass and set my sights on the smaller structure. There wasn't a door to the rectangular building. Instead, it stood open with a small pathway leading up to it. The inside was practically empty, save for what I recognized as a Nether portal frame. I had never been to the Nether myself, but I had definitely heard of it. I mean, it wasn't like travelling to the Nether was really possible back at my home. This portal, however, was closed due to some blocks obstructing it. 

Now that I thought of it, this building was likely the entrance to the bigger one. Whoever built it like this must not have wanted anyone else to get in. Either someone had rare valuables inside or they were just really paranoid.

"You wanna go in?"

A deep voice from behind made me jump, and I spun around to see who it came from.

A man in a green camouflage hoodie and golden armor over the top stood casually in the entryway. His hair was a deep green color and a gas mask covered his nose and mouth. He lifted a trident he had been resting on his shoulder and secured it behind his back so both his hands were free.

Even though the man held a calm demeanor, I was still a bit tense. "What—you said go in?"

"Yes. I'm the prison warden. I allow people to go inside and visit the prisoner."

A vague conversation from yesterday popped up in my mind. "Visit...Dream?"


"Is anyone else in there?—in the prison?"

"Nope. Just him."

My gaze wandered around the room. This was just the entrance, but the building it led to was a lot bigger. And it was only holding one prisoner?

"Seems pretty big for one prisoner." My gaze slid to his.

The man chuckled shortly. "There are other cells, but he's just in the high security one. I made sure the prison was big enough to prevent anyone from getting out."

I couldn't help raising my brows. "Really? No one can get out?"

He shrugged. "If anyone were to escape, it would be Dream, and I have yet to see it happen."

I stared at him and then my gaze darted around, trying to figure out how the ordinary blackstone in here could deem this prison inescapable. He couldn't be serious. I had never heard of a prison like this, and if I did, I sure wouldn't expect to see it here.

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