[26] Revived

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I stood among a pile of TNT. Having grown rapidly in size, the pile had been my sole focus for the past three days. It was ridiculous. The fact that I had done nothing but gather sand and gunpowder for hours and hours. I had just finished scrubbing off the gunpowder stains just a few minutes ago, and my skin was still red. At this point, I hoped I had made enough TNT, because I wasn't sure if I was willing to scrub my hands off

I straightened the piles I had created on the floor of my house and began to recount the numbers. Once I was nearing the end of counting, I paused, and then started over. My shoulders began to slump as the realization seeped in. I was sure I had enough sand to make the rest of the TNT, but it seemed I had underestimated the true amount I needed. My hand lifted to my forehead and I sighed heavily. I would have to go out yet again to find more sand.

But I had already cleared out most of the sandbanks close by. Those areas would have to be out of the question.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Where could I find more sand?

I basically mapped out the entire SMP in my mind until...the prison. There was a small beach there that I hadn't even thought of before. It wasn't like I needed that much sand to finish off the last TNT stack, so it wouldn't take long either. I snatched my bag and slung it over my shoulder, stepping over the shovel I had been using for the project. Using my hands would suffice as I only need a couple handfuls. The sooner I could get this done, the better.

As I trudged across the sparse grass to the sand beach, my eye caught the shape of a dark tower sitting at the edge of the water that surrounded the prison. My brows furrowed and my steps slowed. It was partially covered by the short hill in front of it, and I probably would have missed it if I hadn't been heading in its general direction. A shadow moved in the tower and my curiosity piqued. Who would've built a tower near the prison?

I didn't give the sand any more than a glance as I passed the beach to inspect the tower. The structure was built of deep brown wood and cobblestone rimmed the outside. I had to tilt my head back as I neared the tower. As soon as my gaze reached the sun-lit top, a head popped into view. I recognized the dark curls and caught a flash of the boy's green shirt as he leaned forward to look out at the prison. He didn't notice me moving below.

"Tubbo?" I questioned, stopping at the base of the tower.

His head whipped down, and his momentary expression of surprise blinked to confusion.


My gaze slid to the looming prison building, wondering if I could see what he had been focused on moments before. It didn't look any different, but I was obviously missing something. My attention returned to his.

"Are you spying on the prison?"

"Uh..." he trailed off, his eyes wandering until he cast a glance behind him. "No."

I hummed, unconvinced. "I'm surprised Tommy's not with you."

I was sure Tommy would have poked his head out as soon as he heard someone closeby. But that sort of thing hadn't happened yet, so I could only assume he was somewhere else in the SMP. Which was strange because I had no doubt he would jump at the opportunity to spy on the prison.

"Oh he was," Tubbo's words lingered strangely, his eyes flickering to the prison. "But he left."

He seemed to force a short laugh before turning away from the wall as if distracted by something.

Even standing all the way at the bottom of the tower, I caught the way Tubbo glanced at the prison, something hidden behind his eyes. Maybe Tommy really was here, in the area. The two of them were planning something, and with the prison involved, the plans couldn't be good.

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