[27] Sorry, Bad

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My fingers drummed idly on the wooden table as I glanced at my front door again, my gaze lingering on it's wooden planes as if I could find something different than the last time I had looked at it. Quackity was supposed to show up soon to collect all the TNT I had put together for him. I wasn't too keen on holding three stacks of explosives in my house any longer.

A couple loud knocks rapped on the door, and I nearly jumped from my seat, my fingers halting their little dance. I stood up quickly and crossed to the door, swinging it open to reveal who was on the other side.

Quackity stood on the doorstep wearing his familiar white button up and grey slacks, a crystalline diamond sword at his side and a small bag hooked on one shoulder. An elusive, smug grin spread on his face as his eyes landed on me.

He was probably thinking I wouldn't have everything ready, but I was about to prove him wrong.

I stepped to the side, gesturing to the explosives piled on the ground and the netherite ingots stacked on the table.

"Three stacks of TNT and four netherite ingots." I looked back at him. "Just as we agreed."

He nodded as he stepped inside, his gaze sweeping over the items with a critical eye. He moved closer to the table and picked up one of the slim, dark ingots. He rubbed his thumb over its smooth surface and twisted it around in his hand before deeming it satisfactory. He slipped the bag off his shoulder and placed all four ingots inside before twisting the bag and tying it off.

"Alright." He nodded again. "Now you're gonna carry the TNT out."

"What?" My brows ticked in, and my arms folded. "I made them as you asked. I'm not carrying them around for you."

He bent down to pick up a stick of TNT, walking over to me and holding it out. "You are carrying them for me or I get to visit Dream tomorrow—maybe tonight if I find Sam at the prison later."

I glanced down at the TNT stick but made no move to take it. My eyes flickered back up to him, remaining firm. "You should have clarified that in the deal."

He shrugged, turning away lazily. "Suit yourself. I'll call up Sam."

I blew out an exasperated breath, trying to keep my cool.

"Okay, fine." My words made Quackity pause. "I'll help load it up, but you gotta help at least a little."

He faced me again, pursing his lips as he hummed in pretense thought. "I'll put a few sticks in."

I shook my head, dismissing his mockery as I strode past him to kneel beside the TNT. I could hear him tossing the stick he had picked up earlier into the air and catching it as I began to pile a few sticks in my own arms.

"Makes things easier for me when you're the only one who cares for Dream," he spoke idly, almost pointedly.

I stayed quiet, ignoring his comment. I could tell he was smiling at me without having to turn and see for myself.

"Does it really make you feel better to torture him?" I picked up another stick to add to my arms, not bothering to look at him as I asked.

"Yes." He answered quickly, confidently. Though I was sure there was the smallest bit of hesitation. My eyes flicked up to him, trying to judge whether he really had hesitated or my mind was just making things up.

What made him change? The Quackity I knew would have never manipulated deals like this—especially with friends. At least, I thought I was his friend. But all of this change had only happened in a couple weeks.

"Where have you been these past few weeks?" I asked. I stood up, my arms full, awaiting for his direction as much as I awaited his answer.

He reached down to pick up a few sticks of TNT, avoiding my gaze entirely. "I've been busy."

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