[53] The Leaf is Staying Where it Is

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The Red Banquet was set to be early in the evening. The invite mentioned attendees could bring a plus-one and Dream agreed to come along. He was especially adamant to join me after I explained my run-ins with the Blood Egg and it's Eggpire members. At first, he tried to convince me it was a bad idea, that they were planning something, but I was hopeful that peace would finally be settled.

Though I wasn't planning on going without something to defend myself with. Dream and I were going to bring our swords strapped around our waists. So if a fight really did break out, we would be prepared. Unless the Eggpire was planning on using TNT, and risking their lives to take ours—which didn't seem likely for them—I believed we could handle whatever was thrown our way.

I didn't have any dresses, so I visited Niki and she kindly let me borrow a dress. It was a simple design, but still eye-catching. The deep red fabric was fitted to my body, ending about halfway down my thighs. Spaghetti straps laced over my shoulders and crossed in the back, pulling the satiny dress together while leaving my shoulder blades exposed.

It was weird to see myself in a dress, but admittedly, I liked it. I hadn't worn a dress in ages and it was nice to dress up for once.

I curled my hair and put on some accenting make-up. After all was done, I stood back from the bathroom sink to check everything in the mirror, twisting around a bit to make sure each angle looked good.

Surprisingly, every angle was good—nearly perfect. But it made me wonder if I had overdone my look for just a simple banquet. Was it really to much?

"Hey Tare, it starts at six, right?"

I could hear Dream making his way down the stairs, which probably meant he was nearly ready.

I hadn't checked the time since I started doing my hair. Hopefully, we wouldn't be running late.

"Yeah I think so. Let me check," I said as I exited the bathroom just before Dream rounded the corner. I found the invitation on the counter and picked it up.

"Yeah it says six."

I looked up as I set the paper back down.

Dream stood near the doorway to the bathroom, frozen, his gaze dipping over my body then coming back up. It didn't look like he had listened to my answer at all, and he blinked a couple times when he realized I had stopped speaking.

You look—you look great—wow." Dream sounded breathless, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

I smiled and couldn't help averting my gaze for a second as warmth spread through my chest. "Thank you. You look very nice as well."

But nice was an understatement. He looked handsome, hot even—

My mind came to a halt. I really had to stop my thoughts before they went off the rails. He hadn't even put on the full suit yet. He was only wearing the white dress shirt and black pants, the suit coat and accenting red tie draped over his arm. He must have been heading into the bathroom to put it all together.

A sort of lopsided grin perked up on his face in response to my compliment. "I haven't even put the rest of it on yet." He stepped into the bathroom and added. "I wonder what you'll say then."

I scoffed, still smiling, and turned towards my black heeled shoes sitting near the side of the couch. The blocky heel added a couple inches to my height and when I finished putting them on, I moved into the bathroom where Dream was focusing intently on tying his tie.

I sidled up right next to his shoulder, looking at the two of us in the mirror. "Now I won't look so short standing next to you."

He glanced at me beside him then raised his gaze to meet mine in the mirror. He smirked, bumping my shoulder. "Still short though."

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