[54] The Party's Over

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"Alright Quackity, where's this Egg?" The newcomer spoke deeply, almost monotonous. He stalked farther into the room.

"Technoblade." Bad said under his breath as he gazed at the man wearing the pig skull. "You just have him to help you?" He looked back at Quackity. He must have been trying to downplay the fact that his plan was falling apart.

"Oh no, I have one more." Quackity was still smiling. "A mercenary I had to search all over for. But I know in the end it'll be worth it."

Yet again, another person entered the cavern through the jagged hole in the wall. He was wearing a vibrant, purple suit and even from here, where I was still kneeling on the ground, I could see his eyes were purple. 

"Purpled?" Bad exclaimed. "But you were with us!"

The man, Purpled, shrugged. "Quackity paid more."

Bad was quiet, his face twisting into a snarl as he looked over the newcomers again. I could tell he was trying to figure out how to convince them to back down. "You only have three people and we have five." He said, but his voice was losing its confidence.

"There's been too much talking and I'm getting bored." Techno grumbled. 

Without any sort of warning, he jumped forward, and Bad brought his sword up just in time to clash under Techno's heavy weapon.

Everyone seemed to spring into action when the weapons rang out. Quackity and Purpled immediately targeted the closest Eggpire members, and the guests of the banquet started backing up, moving away from the commotion while they frantically looked for a way out.

I scrambled to my feet, internally cursing my heels and tight-fitting dress yet again. Bad and Technoblade were fighting so close to me I had to step backwards to avoid getting caught up in their fight.

Something brushed my arm and I started. I immediately jabbed my elbow up as I twisted, hitting Ponk under the chin. That was enough to send him reeling back, and I didn't waste a second getting off the platform.

Puffy rushed past me, somehow holding a sword now. Where did she get the weapon? I felt far too vulnerable without one, and people running around without weapons would be easy targets for the Eggpire. 

I moved closer to the table, where I had last seen Dream. But looking into the flurry of swords and movement, I couldn't spot him at all. I found myself searching for a green hoodie, and then I realized that wasn't right. Everyone was wearing some form of red, and it all blurred together. I let out an exasperated sigh. I mean, he had a sword, right? He would be fine. 

My heart was beating hard, and I could feel my pulse pounding in my head. My hand lifted to touch my neck, and my fingers were immediately coated in the warmth of blood. I tried wiping it away with the back of my hand, but I only seemed to be smearing it across my skin. I pulled my hand away to see my blood was now staining my hands in streaks. 

Someone grabbed onto my shoulder, and I jumped away instinctively, bumping into the table.

"Hey, it's me. It's me!" Dream was stepping in front of me, lifting his hands a bit to avoid scaring me more.

My skipping heart calmed just a bit as a small bout of relief washed over me. "Dream—"

He pulled me right into a hug. "Are you okay? Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I tried—"

I tried not to touch my blood-smeared hand on his clothes. For some reason, that was all I could think about at the moment. "I—I'm bloody. I'm getting blood on your shirt."

He pulled back quickly, "Right, right. uh—" His gaze darted around before landing on the table, and he set his sword down to snatch the closest napkin. "Here." He said, tilting my head up with his hand while the other dabbed the napkin at the cut on my neck.

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