[59] Actions Speak Louder than Words

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"So this is all of it?"

Tommy was standing in the living room of our house, questioning Dream with a raised brow. Wilbur stood behind him, surveying the room.

He looked better than the last time I had seen him, his eyes a bit brighter and his posture a bit straighter. And it looked like he and Tommy had been getting along recently too.

"Yeah. This is all of it." Dream gestured to the crates of netherite ingots, gapples, and ender pearls. It would definitely take more than one trip to carry it all to Tommy's house in the hill.

Tommy narrowed his eyes as his gaze passed over the crates. "Huh. It looks a bit...small."

Dream let out a sigh, sounding exhausted already. "I mean, you can count it if you really want? I counted it over like five times already so I'm pretty sure that's it."

"Okay, okay, whatever." Tommy went straight to a crate of netherite ingots to pick it up, swinging around to look at us again. "You all are carrying these out for me."

I dropped my arms from where they had been folded against my body and silently complied. It wouldn't be a long walk to Tommy's place anyway.

I had barely seen Dream at all today. He was frequently coming and going, and said only little in between. It was like he was trying to find ways to distract himself, or keep his distance from me. Earlier this morning, he went training with Sapnap and George, and then he started fixing up his armor. Now he was focused intently on moving the crates for Tommy.

I wanted to talk to Dream. I did. But every time I thought about doing so, the air seemed to grow thicker with tension and the words got stuck in my throat. I didn't know how to talk to him because I knew even just speaking would make him turn away. He was set on finding and killing the Demon by himself, and he was trying to keep me from convincing him otherwise.

But I also knew he felt responsible for me getting hurt. He felt responsible for everything the demon had done to me and the injury to my eye seemed to have pushed him over the edge. He was determined to distance himself and 'show no attachments' in order to keep the target off my back.

But I didn't like that. I didn't like the fact that we were avoiding each other like the plague. I didn't like the idea that he was going to leave and there was a very real possibility that I might never see him again.

And here we were, steadily inching toward that outcome.

Dream had managed to gather all the resources for Tommy on the day I would move out. After a couple of trips moving the abundance of resources, Tommy set the last crate down with a grunt. "All right, Dream, maybe I'm just this much closer to liking you." He pinched his thumb and forefinger together with barely a sliver of space between.

Dream shrugged. "I don't care if you don't like me. I just wanted to help."

Wilbur clapped a hand on his shoulder. "That's very kind of you, Dream. Would I be able to put in a request now?"

Dram hesitantly opened his mouth to reply when a shout from outside saved him from answering.

"Yo Tare, we got your ride!"

From where I was standing just outside Tommy's house, I turned my head to see Sapnap stepping down from a horse-drawn cart. George was still sitting on the seat, his arms folded as he watched us.

I looked at Dream, the only person who could have arranged this. "You got a cart?"

A smile tugged his lips but it quickly dropped. "Yeah, I thought it would make things easier."

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