[8] Manhunt

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"George, what are you doing?" A man in a dark beanie yelled next to me.

We were sitting on a wall that surrounded a large arena. Four crumbling pillars with ivy chasing up the sides decorated the middle. Grass attempted to grow in some areas of the dirt ground but the patches were trampled and turned up from long-time use. The old arena proved to be a good spot for entertainment. Karl had gathered a group of friends from around the Dream SMP to hang out for the day and find whatever we could do. Right now, I sat with Quackity—the one who wore the beanie—and Karl.

Sapnap was viciously sword fighting in the arena below with George. And George, well...he was currently sprinting away from Sapnap.

"George, I'm not done with you yet!" Sapnap called as he intercepted the man in blue around a pillar.

George let out a somewhat angry sound of distress while he blocked Sapnap's attack. Sapnap also yelled, his hits becoming harder and faster until George tripped around a pillar and lost his footing. The sword flew out of his hand as Sapnap swung his own blade.

Sapnap cheered, punching his sword in the air while Quackity practically screamed at George. Karl and I laughed and cheered along with Sapnap.

Karl turned to Quackity, leaning over me. "Your turn, Quackity!"

"No! I've already gone! I haven't seen you fail yet. I think it's your turn."


"What about you then?" Quackity turned on me. "You haven't gone yet."

"What?" I laughed. "I've never fought with weapons like this before. Sapnap would probably kill me!"

Quackity chuckled through his words. "You don't know how to sword fight?"

"Sapnap can teach you!" Karl jumped in. He called out to Sapnap making his way towards us with George. "Hey Sapnap! Taryn wants to learn how to sword fight!"

"Oh...right now?" I stuttered, though my words did nothing to help my case.

Sapnap waved his sword in the air, a grin on his face. "Yeah, come're. I'll teach you all I've got."

Karl nearly pushed me off the wall. "Go, go!"

I slipped off the sandstone wall, my movements a little doubtful. Their enthusiasm, however, quickly lifted my hesitancy. Learning how to sword fight would be good for me. I wasn't going to let the same situation that happened at the Egg happen again. I needed to be ready the next time.

"Okay, let's see how good of a teacher you are." I gave Sapnap a sly smile, picking up the wooden sword George had dropped on the ground.

We moved to the middle of the arena, the four pillars surrounding us like spectators.

"Let's see whatchu got." Sapnap rolled his shoulders and spread his arms wide. "Hit me."

I drew in a breath, straightening up. Here goes nothing.

I lifted the sword in the air and swiped it down diagonally, aiming for his chest. The mock wooden blade on my sword was agonizingly slow as it cut through the air and Sapnap blocked it easily.

I had to adjust my awkward grip quickly when he pushed back with his weapon. My shoes dug into the dirt as I stumbled back. Somehow I managed to keep my sword up as Sapnap's blade continued to push on mine. His weapon slid off mine forcefully, and the action caused my sword to practically hop out of my grip.

I went to try to catch it, but the point of Sapnap's sword was at my neck in seconds.

I huffed and stepped back, my palms facing him in surrender.

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