[9] Precautions

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My hand rested on the hilt of the sword at my side. Blinking and squinting in the flashes of sunlight, my gaze swept over the looming prison. Time for a perimeter check.

My hand tightened around my sword's hilt every time I rounded a corner. I expected some sort of surprise, like new bloodvines or even a member of the Eggpire waiting to jump out at me. I was relieved to only find grass sprinkled with dandelions on the other side.

I had already become strangely accustomed to carrying a weapon. Though my skills with a sword were questionable, I had a sure way of defending myself. I wouldn't have to worry about someone else going out of their way to save me. But I wasn't sure if I would come across the Eggpire again. I hadn't seen them since Sam was rescued, and I had a feeling I would see them again—probably sooner than later.

As I came into view of the eastern side of the prison, I noticed a figure sitting on a grassy slope, facing the dark building. He was tall, even while sitting down. He didn't seem to notice me as I came closer but I realized despite the height, he had younger features. His skin was pale white with some pink-ish hues and his ears were long and pointed. A simple crown sat on his long, white hair streaked with black and he wore a nice, black vest over a white shirt.

I stepped closer to him, purposefully stepping into his view. "Hello?"

His chest rose once as he sat with his elbows resting on his knees—A still picture of tranquility. His unfocused gaze shifted slowly to me and it was then I noticed that his skin wasn't just white. His face was split in two different colors, the left side an ebony black and the right the soft white color I had seen first. His eyes were different colors too, one green and one red. His stare seemed to bore straight through me.

For a second, time was frozen. Then, he blinked and the wind in the trees and sound of the birds sped up again. He continued to blink a couple of times, his gaze sweeping over the area around us. He looked sort of...lost.

"You alright?" I asked.

His gaze snapped to me as if my voice had startled him. He lifted his hand to brush his hair over his forehead as he quickly stood up. "Yeah I'm good."

He literally towered over me.

I craned my neck back and took a step backwards. I had never seen anyone this tall—well, besides Bad, but I hadn't been close enough to see just how different his height was.

The boy's gaze darted around, avoiding my eyes. "Uh, I don't believe we've met before. I'm Ranboo."

"I'm Taryn." I gave him a smile before turning to look at the prison wall stretching out of the water. He had been staring at the building earlier, but the dark stone looked the same as ever. "What were you looking at?"

"Oh—what was I looking at?" He repeated, turning his head to look around again, as if he would find the answer hidden in the grass somewhere. "I was just...sight-seeing I guess."

I folded my arms and couldn't help raising a brow. "Sight-seeing? It doesn't look like there's a lot of interesting stuff to see around here."

"Yeah, well, I was thinking too. Lost in thought—you know how it goes." He gave a hollow chuckle, and his fingers pulled at the cuff of his shirt.

"Oh okay." I nodded, and silence fell over us like snow.

In all honesty, he was entirely convincing. But he seemed nervous so I wasn't about to pressure him.

I tilted my head, the glint of his crown making me squint. "Anything I can help you with?" Concern furrowed my brow.

He stepped back quickly, waving a hand. "Oh, no no. I'm good, thanks,"

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