[13] Eggs or Demons?

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The cot squeaked and I heard him move. "I'm fine. And you can turn back around now." His voice sounded slightly muffled so I assumed he had put his mask back on.

I looked back, my gaze immediately finding that of the mask's and staring for a good second. Was he really going to tell me he was fine and then put that mask on? Hiding his face and all the emotions that sat behind the wall of a lifeless smile?

I looked away. "Why do you still wear that mask?"

"I thought I told you."

"You did." I moved on the ground to sit with my back against the wall, so I didn't have to twist around to talk to him. "You said you liked it, but...I just feel like it would be restricting to wear a mask like that all the time"

He turned his head, looking past me at the lava. "I have my likes and dislikes. Not everyone can be happy with that."

"But are you happy with that?"

Even though he didn't move, I had a sense his gaze moved to mine.

"Why are you so curious about it? It's just a mask."

"Why do you always avoid answering my questions?" I retorted.

We both went quiet then, glaring each other down. Our previous words rang in the air like an echo.

"You're not fine, Dream, and I can see that." My voice had softened again. "But I—"

"You know what?" There was suddenly a sharp edge in his words. One I hadn't heard before. The chain on his ankle rattled as he straightened up and moved off the cot to stand, all while looking at me. "You know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm not fine. Maybe I won't be fine." He took slow steps toward me and I stood up, my body tensing as he continued. "Actually, I won't ever be fine, and you can't help that. No one can. It's already taken over and I can't even help myself. So—" I caught the waver in his voice as he stopped right in front of me. "Once you leave this cell, don't bother coming back. Don't waste your time."

My hand held the communicator impossibly tight. I swallowed. "Well, that's kind of hard seeing as this is now my job."

"Then quit."

A question rose to my mouth as to why, but I flinched as the communicator crackled loudly. Dream didn't seem fazed by the sound and his mask angled down as he looked at my communicator.

I quickly lifted the device. "Sam?"

"The issue has been fixed, so I'm going to pull you back, Taryn."

Relief flooded over me as Sam spoke and I had forgotten Dream was still standing in front of me. My smile slipped away as I looked up at him.

"I'm not quitting just because you said so. I need a better reason than that." I said.

He shook his head, taking a small step back. "You'll regret it, Taryn."

I stiffened as he said my name, having not heard it said by him before. But of course he would know it after all the times I had contacted Sam. The tingling sensation of being teleported rushed over me and my vision momentarily darkened before I could say anything else.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I stepped out of the stasis chamber, my gaze finding Sam standing by the levers and buttons. He held a casual stance, working the mechanics like he would any other day, as if I hadn't just been trapped in Dream's cell. Irritation flared up in me.

"What happened?" I asked.

His back was turned to me. "There was a security issue."

"Really?" My voice took on an accusatory note. "You're not even going to give an explanation after I was stuck in that cell for—" I flung my hand out, gesturing in the direction of the main cell. "However long that was?"

Dreaming of Demons (Dream x oc)Where stories live. Discover now