[39] Friends or Foes

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I woke up feeling more refreshed than ever. The aching in my limbs was gone, and my head was clear. I sat in bed for a moment, just soaking it all in. The warmth, the comfort, the sunlight streaming through the windows as the birds chirped happily. It was much different than the hidden cottage far away that I had been cooped up in for days.

Karl was curious about my whole ordeal, I knew that much, so I swept my legs off the bed and stood up. I took a breath and let it out slowly before making my way to the door. The bedroom I had slept in was pretty much empty, with only a bed, a bedside table, and two chests lining one of the walls. It must have been a guest room of sorts.

I stepped into a short hallway, noting another door that was positioned directly across from mine. It was closed, but looking to the left, my eyes landed on stairs leading down. Voices floated up the stairwell, and it took me a second to register them belonging to Karl...and Sapnap.

I carefully picked my way down the stairs, which opened up into a large space that shared the kitchen on the right and the living room on the left. Karl sat on the small, leather couch, twisted around to face Sapnap as he spoke. Full Netherite armor enveloped Sapnap's body, complete with a glimmering sword he held in his hand. His expression was intense, his brows pulled together in earnest worry as he listened to Karl. He noticed me as I descended the last step, and his face morphed to surprise before quickly settling on suspicion. Even from a couple feet away, I could see how his hand tightened on his sword.

"Hey Sapnap," I said quietly, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room as soon as their eyes turned to me.

"Taryn..." His eyes looked me up and down a couple of times. "How did you—Is Dream here?" He started looking around as if he would find him hiding somewhere, his voice rising in what could have easily been accusation.

"No he's not." I answered sharper than I intended. "I didn't help him break out of the prison, if that's what you believe. He...forced me to come with him, and I only just got back."

His eyes narrowed. "Then what were you doing in the prison the day he got out?" He faced me fully, his body tense as his gaze drilled into mine.

It hurt to see that he didn't fully trust me, that he was ready to use a weapon on me if I made a wrong move. The Dreamon had predicted this, but I never believed it would be one of my close friends. I didn't want to believe it, yet here we stood, A clear line struck between us.

I sighed softly. The only thing I could do was answer his questions and hope he believed me. "Sam wanted me to try to get the Revival book."

"Sam told us the prison was attacked right after you went into Dream's cell," he continued, "You wouldn't answer when he tried to contact you."

"Because Dream threw the stupid device in the lava!" I responded in exasperation. "Sapnap, I—"

His voice rose over mine. "Then why didn't he kill you, huh? He kills people now, y'know."

"Because he couldn't!" My outburst sounded far too loud in the suddenly quiet room. I let out another sigh, my shoulders dropping as I brought my voice back down and looked away, watching my own fingers drift over the black scar on my left hand. "He couldn't kill me even if he wanted."

My words marinated the silence as it dragged on for a few seconds more. I didn't have to look up to know that the gears were turning in their heads, trying to make sense of my explanation.

"Wait, he couldn't kill you?" Karl repeated in a genuine question, speaking for the first time since I had come down the stairs. "What does—"

"That doesn't even make sense." Sapnap cut in. "What are you talking about?"

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