[44] Mistaken

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I still couldn't believe it. After all these weeks, visiting Dream in prison, hearing the stories, finding out about the demon and getting kidnapped...it was all coming to an end. An end that was well deserved. Everyone in the SMP had suffered at the hands of the Dreamon, and once the Demon was disposed of, people could start healing without fear. The SMP could be good again.

I had moved back into my house near Tommy's, now feeling safe enough to continue normal activities. Well, as normal as possible. I had been gathering armor and making sure my weapons were in good shape for the time Dream and Wilbur would come. Karl, Sapnap, and others had been doing the same, and I had helped them a bit with their preparations as well.

I had just finished stocking my ender chest when a knock came at my door. I crossed the living room to open it.

"Hey, Taryn." Sapnap had his hands in his pockets, and he jerked his head in the direction of Ranboo standing behind him. "Ranboo just told me he's got a lot of supplies that might help us when Dream and Wilbur come. He wanted us to come see what we needed."

"That's great! I'll be right with you guys." I snatched my sword from the dining table and secured it at my side before heading out after them.

Ranboo took us down the Prime path to the Community house, where we took a left and stepped across a creek bed to a small, undeveloped part of the land. Tall trees and bushes surrounded us, making the area obscure and uninteresting.

"It's a bit secluded because, well, I don't want people finding and stealing my stuff." Ranboo shrugged. He came to a stop and Sapnap and I looked down to see a trapdoor nestled in the grass.

"How long have you been working on this?" I asked.

"Not too long. I had a bunch of supplies at my house that I just moved here for easier access." He crouched down to pull up on the trapdoor, tugging firmly. It was made of thick oakwood that altogether looked heavy.

With a huff, he dropped the trapdoor open and stepped back to allow us to lean in and inspect the inside from above. "You guys wanna head in?"

I moved first, carefully lowering myself down the simple, wooden ladder, "Yeah let's see what you have."

Sapnap started down as soon as I hopped off the bottom of the ladder. It was a small room lined with chests and one flickering torch snapped golden light across the room. There were a lot of chests in fact, and I could only imagine what type of stuff was inside.

With a grin on my lips, I turned back to Sapnap as he touched down on the dirt ground. But my smile died when the trapdoor above him closed, cutting off the column of light that shone through.

My brows ticked in as I pushed past Sapnap to climb a few rungs on the ladder. "Hey—Ranboo." My fingers splayed on the trap door, expecting it to give under my push. It barely shifted.

"Did he just—"

"Ranboo!" I pressed my hand flat on the wood, pushing up as hard as I could. The heavy trap door was stuck.

"Uh, these are empty."

My gaze flew to Sapnap. He was standing near a chest, holding the lid open. From my position up on the ladder, I could see that the inside of the chest was bare.

My heart squeezed in on itself. There was no way this could be happening, no way that Ranboo would just lock us in here. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it.

Sapnap watched me as I balanced on the ladder dumbfoundedly, a hardened expression of disappointment settling on his face.

"This was a trap."

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