[64] Pulling Strings

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As soon as we got back to Kinoko, we jumped right into work. The End was unknown territory, so we had no idea what we might encounter once we entered. Our best bet was to gather the best weapons and armor, along with potions and any other resources that would be helpful.

I resorted to writing up a list of things to check off as we worked. I wasn't about to have someone get hurt because their armor wasn't fully maxed. We had to be as prepared as possible.

"Karl, you maxed all your armor right?" I questioned, holding a clipboard and pencil in hand.

"Yep, and all my weapons as well," he answered, looking up from where he had laid all his armor neatly on the wooden floor.

We had needed a large space to keep everything organized, and Karl mentioned he had a large building that was mostly empty. I had never actually been inside before, but the first floor of the Chinese styled structure seemed to house a ballroom. Pillars lined on either side of the spacious room, stretching and curling to the top while the sunlight from the windows on each side split through to shine on the floorboards. The building was definitely more than big enough to hold all of our supplies and resources.

I checked off the 'maxed armor' and 'maxed weapons' boxes under Karl's name. Then I turned to Sapnap who was leaning against a pillar with his arms folded.

"Did you get all your armor maxed, Sap?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, mom."

"Sapnap! Where did my chestplate go?" George called, striding over to Sapnap's stuff piled on the floor. He looked down, nudging some armor cuffs out of the way with his foot to reveal a netherite chestplate. "You have my chestplate!"

Sapnap leaned off the pillar, his face morphing into annoyance. "No, that's mine. I didn't take anything from you."

"Then where did mine go? Sapnap, I know you took it. Just let me have it."

"I don't have it! I swear!"

I stepped in. "Guys, we don't have time for this! George, when did you last see your chestplate?"

He shrugged and then laughed nervously. "Well, I don't know. I thought I had one earlier."

"You're an idiot." Sapnap said. "You don't even have a chestplate, and I'm not gonna let you steal mine."

I sighed, dropping my gaze back down to the to-do list. "Sapnap, did you max all your weapons too?"

"No. Do I really need to do all this crap?"

"If you don't want to die, then yes." I tapped the pencil on his shoulder. "Go with George and get your stuff done."

"George is just gonna ruin my stuff. I'm not going with him." Sapnap folded his arms.

"I mean, I'll probably be okay without a chestplate, right? So do I really have to go?" George asked.

"You two are acting like children."

"Only because you're acting like my mom." Sapnap retorted.

I gave them a flat look. "Come on guys, I want you to be serious."

"Okay fine, mom." Sapnap bent down to pick up his sword and bow and started walking towards the entrance.

The large, double doors opened before he got to them, and Dream entered, hefting a box of various potion supplies in his arms.

"Come on, George." Sapnap called before he passed Dream to slip out the open door.

"Bye mom!" George called over his shoulder as he caught up to Sapnap.

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