[57] It Hurts

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The Demon's—or Nightmare's—hand lifted from my throat and I was left to drop to the ground as he disappeared into the shadowed darkness between the trees. I didn't at all think about where or who he might be targeting next. My head hurt too much to dwell on such thoughts. There was a lot of blood too, smearing on my hands as I tried feebly to contain it. The right side of my face burned hot, and I was sure some part of my cheekbone and eye socket had shattered. The end of Nightmare's axe had been sharp and forceful enough to cut my cheek right below my eye and partly through the side of my eyebrow. Blood seeped into my right eye and I couldn't tell if I had gone blind.

I needed to get home.

Reaching out with my hand, I clung to the tree trunk to get myself onto my feet. Each step across the grass pounded my head like a hammer. I felt sick to my stomach with all the fear and pain balled up there. But I forced myself onwards. If I got home fast enough, maybe a healing potion could save my face and eyesight. If that wasn't gone already.

My mind felt just as watery and unclear as my vision and I sort of phased out of myself as I staggered onto the path, my body moving automatically. The next thing I knew, I was stumbling through the front door.

I needed to clean up the blood. It was starting to drip off my hand, and it was only going to leave a trail through the house. Using the table and counters to support me, I moved into the bathroom. My hand fumbled with the sink handle to turn on a rush of spouting water.

I refused to look in the mirror as I leaned over the sink to quickly wash my hands off. My movements were sluggish and my one good eye was still blurry—with tears I guess. I probably wouldn't have been able to see my reflection clearly anyway.

There was a clicking sound that came from somewhere outside of the bathroom, and it took me a second to register the noise. But when I did, I immediately shut the water off. It was the front door.

A fresh wave of fear rushed over me. Nightmare was back. He must have followed me to the house. Of course he would! I had been stupid enough to lead him right to my home. And now he was inside.

My heartbeat sped up as I stepped out of the bathroom.

Nightmare was there, closing the front door. He hadn't seen me yet. I realized I didn't have anything to defend myself with. I glanced around frantically, seeing a knife on the kitchen counter. With one hand covering my face and the other slapping onto the knife handle, I brandished the new weapon.

He started to turn.

"Stop right there!" I shouted.

He jumped, his eyes finding my face. Nightmare wasn't wearing a mask this time. He looked exactly like Dream too, the same scars and everything. Was that even possible?

I wasn't going to question it though. I had already been struck down today because I hesitated, and I didn't want to be caught unaware again.

Complete shock morphed over Nightmare's face, and he started towards me. "Tare—"

"Stop! Stop where you are. Stop moving." I shouted again. My breaths came out short and harsh. Everything in me wanted to scream and the pain on the side of my face was battling my consciousness.

He raised his hands in careful surrender, but it looked more like he was trying to calm down a wild animal. "Okay—"

"No, don't even speak." I cut him off. "Get out of my house right now."

I squeezed my eyes shut as my headache rolled over in intensity. I grit my teeth, struggling to open my good eye again to see Nightmare step back, confusion flickering on his expression. But he didn't leave.

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