[5] Bad Eggs

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Over the next couple of days, Karl and Sapnap helped me gather supplies and I was able to get almost full netherite armor. Now I just needed to start enchanting my items, and Karl, along with Sapnap, was currently leading me to a good place to do so.

At the moment, the two were yelling lyrics to a song and using their weapons to hack at all the bushes and trees in the area. I followed behind them, staying far enough away to avoid the swings from their axes.

As we rounded towards the back end of Punz's castle, a large dome-shaped—more like egg-shaped—structure caught my eye. It was a deep red color, and it reminded me of the weird plants I had seen on my tour with Karl. He hadn't said much about them, other than the fact I should probably stay away from the crawling vines.

"What is this?" I stepped right up to the egg structure and patted it with my hand as I questioned no one in particular.

"What?" Karl asked after stumbling to a stop from Sapnap's shove.

I pointed to the structure with my eyebrows raised. "What's this?"

Sapnap jumped in. "I think that's a meeting house for the Eggpire or something."

"The Eggpire?"

He raised his hands in defense. "Hey, I'm not a part of it, so I don't know."

"It's like a weird egg thing that some people worship." Karl said.

"Yeah, and Bad worships it, so that means he's basically a part of a cult." Sapnap grinned at him.

Karl started laughing. "Bad's a part of a cult!"

Sapnap joined in the laughter and I just shook my head, smiling to myself. I doubted they could hold a conversation without someone laughing at some point. 

I walked along the outside of the meeting house and found the entrance. The dark, wooden table in the middle of the building was empty and there was no movement otherwise, so I stepped inside to explore a bit. 

There were posters hanging on the red walls, all the text reading some version of 'join the Eggpire'. Small vines crawled up some parts of the structure and curled around the corners of the posters. Besides that, the blood-red room was quite bare. 

"You went inside?" Karl stood in the doorway and Sapnap brushed past him to step in.

"Any cool stuff in here?" Sapnap asked, moving around the opposite side of the table and looking under it. "There's a button." He said a second before some mechanical whirring sound emitted from the middle of the table. A large hole had opened up in the wood.

"Wait, what happened?" Karl had now stepped inside and all three of us leaned in to try to see down the hole.

I pulled back. "That's a deep hole. Why is this even here though?" 

Sapnap squinted, staring down. "Is that...Sam?"

Karl leaned farther. "Hello? Sam?"

"Sam's down there?" I asked incredulously, leaning a bit in an attempt to see down the hole again. I caught sight of green and gold and Sam's head raised to look at us.

It looked like he tried to stand up, pressing against the wall for support, but staring all the way down at him made me feel like I was going to fall down myself. I pulled my gaze from him.

"What is he doing down there? Did he fall?" I watched Karl and Sapnap look down at Sam. "Please don't fall in as well." I muttered.

"I think I know where he's at." Karl pushed away from the table so that he was standing straight. "But we can't go down there without special suits."

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