[12] Trust

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"I've already tried everything."

Dream's voice made me jump, and I pulled my concentrated gaze from the lava.

I had remained glued to my spot ever since Sam told me I was stuck here. The communicator rested in my hand as I pressed my knuckles to my lips, thinking. Thinking about how to get out. All the different scenarios running through my head, the only thing active in the silence. But of course, there was no way to get out. Dream would have already escaped by now, and the prison wasn't known as inescapable for nothing.

He must have seen my expression as I stared intensely at the lava, like I was having some sort of staring contest with it. I still didn't like that I could never see his expressions. I felt almost vulnerable.

I blinked, glancing at him. "You tried making a portal?"

He chuckled dryly. "What do you think all this is for?" He gestured to the ceiling and walls, or more specifically, the obsidian now accented with purple.

My eyes followed his motion to look at the many bright paths crisscrossing above. That's right. While crying obsidian was technically obsidian, it couldn't be used to make a nether portal. Only pure obsidian, unmarked by any other colors, could be used for such travel.

So no portal then.

And no escape.

My gaze fell on Dream again. He also hadn't moved from where he had been sitting when I came into the cell earlier. His legs stretched out in front of him as he rested his head back on the rough wall, seemingly staring up at the ceiling. His hands rested limply in his lap and his dark clothes were wrinkled, the collar of his jumpsuit untidy.

He looked...like he had given up. Even as his mask continued to smile. It didn't look very fitting.

At the moment, I couldn't picture him even hurting a fly, much less blowing up an entire country. I just couldn't see it.

I shifted, the rock floor and wall merciless for any comfort, before I spoke.

"What do you do here...all day?"

He hummed, adjusting his head. "I write...stare at the clock. Think."

"You don't try to sleep? Like, sleep the day away or something? I know I would."

His hand twitched and he swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing. "I don't like to sleep."

I nodded slowly, pursing my lips. "Okay, fair enough."

The silence next was only filled with the rhythmic popping and flowing of the lava. It was a nice sound, but one that could become irritating the more it was heard.

"You can take the bed if you would like." Dream was the first one to speak this time.

I shook my head. "Oh, no I don't think I'll be staying for that long. Sam should come soon." I glanced at the device in my hand before looking back up at him. "But, thank you anyways."

He didn't acknowledge, instead looking down at his hands, flexing them open and closed.

The familiar silence carried on for who knew how long. I sure didn't because the clock was missing. It could have been minutes. Hours. Surely it didn't take that long to fix something in the prison.

When I got bored, I stood up and paced to the other side of the cell, staying near the lava. Eventually, I found myself sitting back in the same place as before. Not that there really was a difference where I sat. Everything was the same old obsidian and lava. All I could really do was trace the lines of purple scarring the obsidian or stare at the communicator I clutched in my hand, every detail of the device imprinting itself in my mind.

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