[51] Confliction

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I stared intently at the book page, rereading the same paragraph for the third time. I just couldn't seem to get into the story, and the day had just started, the bright morning sunlight bouncing off the TV screen from the window across the room. Maybe it was time I picked up a different book.

I sighed quietly, shutting the book with disappointment. Pursing my lips, I peeked over the edge of the couch I was laying across to see Dream sitting near the dining table.

He was sharpening his axe, his brows pulled low as he concentrated. He was so focused he had yet to notice me looking at him. The sunlight outlined the small bump of his nose line as he turned his head slightly, and even from here, I could see freckles dotted softly across his face. He bit his lip briefly, pausing the shrill sharpening to brush his thumb over the edge of the blade, checking his work. After a moment, he pressed his lips together, his strong hands deftly moving to sharpen a new part of the weapon.

His eyes flickered up, doing a double take when he saw I was watching. My heart skipped in my chest and I tried my best to ignore the feeling, averting my eyes.

"Any of your weapons need sharpening?" He asked.

"Um..." I glanced at my sword I had left on the kitchen counter, "Not necessarily but, uh...do you wanna do something? Like go on a walk?"

He huffed a laugh, but started setting his stuff down on the table. "You bored?"

I looked down at the book in my hand, shrugging. "You could say that."

Dream stood up, moving towards the kitchen counter. I caught a glimpse of him picking up his mask as I started slipping my shoes on. He seemed to consider the cracked, white grin staring back at him for a second before he gently set the mask back down. He swiped his newly sharpened sword off the table as he met me at the front door, securing the sheath at his side and slipping the weapon away.

I looked up at him, my hand resting on the doorknob. "You're not taking the mask?"

He shrugged. "It's a habit I need to break." His gaze dropped to his thumb rubbing the hilt of his sword. "And... It doesn't help anyone else."

My lips quirked up in an appreciative smile and I glanced at the forgotten mask on the counter. "Well, I do like your real smile better than the one on the mask, that's for sure."

He laughed quietly as I pulled the door open, and he nearly ran into me as I froze. A neat, little envelope rested on the doorstep. That was a bit strange. I had never received or sent any letters to anyone before. I didn't think anyone would have a reason to be doing so either.

I crouched down to pick it up, my brows furrowed as I straightened up again.

"A letter?" Dream questioned.

The envelope had been upside down when I picked it up, and I flipped it over in my hands. A red, wax seal kept it shut. So this was a fancy letter. But what for?

I squinted, studying the design stamped on the seal. It looked like an egg with curling tendrils on either side. Further confusion and surprise zipped through me.

"The Eggpire," I murmured.

"The what?" Dream stepped to my side to get a closer look.

I slipped my finger under the flap to break the seal, quickly pulling out the single note inside. Delicate words looped across the sturdy paper and my eyes started scanning the note instantly.

"A banquet." Dream read aloud as I came across the same word.

"You're invited. Let us hold a feast of peace." I continued reading. My brow had remained creased the entire time.

Dreaming of Demons (Dream x oc)Where stories live. Discover now