[18] He's Back?

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I kept thinking about Tommy the next day, and the different ways he could have been saved. But every time he came to mind, I had to remind myself that nothing could be done now. I had to stop thinking about it.

For now, I would focus on making Karl's bamboo house a little more...appealing. He had basically abandoned it now that he was living in Kinoko Kingdom, and he had told me I could use it as my own living space. At least until I was ready to make a place of my own at Kinoko.

I stood outside the front of the house, trying to figure out what could be added to the facade. Maybe the window could be changed and a pop of color added over the door. I pursed my lips and looked over at Tommy's house.

It was empty—as expected. A certain blonde-haired kid would no longer rush in to grab something, or redesign the exterior for the tenth time. No one would enter except to clean up, if anyone dared. But as of right now, people were avoiding it, and my side of the block was quiet for the first time since I arrived at the Dream SMP.

A figure walking on the Prime path appeared from beyond Tommy's house, drawing my attention. I hadn't seen anyone pass by in a while, and—

Wait a second.

I squinted. The person had curly blonde hair and wore a red and white shirt just like Tommy would. In fact, he looked too much like Tommy.

I started towards him, noticing Tubbo had appeared as well. Though he stayed a couple feet back as if he were scared of something. His eyes were wide, solely focused on the Tommy look-a-like.

"Tommy?" I called out to the person in question, wondering if it was someone else I had mistaken as him.

As if he had done so all his life, the person turned at the sound of the name, and his eyes were as wide as Tubbo's, his hand clutching his heart.

"Tommy are you—is that really you?" I asked, still cautious. My mind struggled to figure out why this could be happening. Was someone dressing up as him? Or was this some sort of hologram? Maybe—and I was making a stretch on this one—maybe he had a twin that no one even knew about?

My gaze slid over to Tubbo again, taking in his nervous stance. Despite everything that I was thinking, his expression wasn't adding up.

The Tommy look-a-like nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes, it's me. I'm alive, okay?"

"But you—"

"No no no. Don't say it." He grabbed my shoulders with both hands. "Don't ever say what you were going to say. I—I don't even know what's going on, but I'm alive."

My mouth had been hanging open and I quickly shut it. I was too baffled to say anything.

How was this possible? How was I seeing Tommy right now, breathing, and definitely not dead?

"So you really are Tommy?" I finally formed a sentence. They were the only words that would come out, like my mind was a broken record spinning on the same thoughts.

He looked at me like I was dumb. "What—I just said—Yes! Yes, it's me!" He looked back at Tubbo. "Why won't anyone believe me?"

He grumbled and released my shoulders, stepping away from me.

I snapped out of my stupor. "Wait, how is this even possible? How are you alive?"

"I don't really want to—" Tommy squeezed his eyes shut, composing himself for a moment. "It was terrible, okay? Dream he—he did some resurrecting thing and...Wilbur should never be brought back. He's crazy cause he's been there for thirteen years! I mean, I almost went crazy!

"Wait. Wilbur?" I asked, cutting him off. That sounded a lot like...Ghostbur. Was that who he was, a remnant of Wilbur? I knew enough about Wilbur to know that he was dead. And he had been for a while, having been killed by the sword of his own father after he went off the rails and blew up L'Manburg. But I had never been told that Ghostbur was basically Wilbur. Though now that I thought of it, I couldn't believe I hadn't made the connection before.

"Yes, Dream can never, ever revive him." Tommy said sharply. "Wilbur's had all that time to plan and he knows things." He tapped the side of his head. "That's why I'm going to kill Dream because we should've done it a long time ago."

"What?" I exclaimed. "No, Tommy—"

He didn't know a demon was possessing Dream. He didn't know that Dream probably didn't mean to do all the things he had done. But as I took in his bloodshot eyes and the way his hands shook, I realized now was not the best time to tell him that. He had just been dead twenty-four hours ago. Dead. No wonder Tommy was shaken up.

"I've already made up my mind." He turned to walk away again, looking at Tubbo. "You comin'?"

Tubbo blinked, moving into clear view from behind Tommy's home. "Uh yeah, I'm right behind you."

I wanted to ask more to try to sort the confusion in my mind, but I had already pestered Tommy enough. He was clearly struggling to process the fact that he was alive again. So I only stood and watched as Tubbo trailed behind him, continuing to keep his distance like Tommy was some sort of ghost.

I rubbed a hand on my forehead and blew out a sigh as I remained alone on the path. So Tommy was alive—that was for sure. And Dream had somehow brought him back from the dead. I didn't know such a thing was possible. Unless...that sort of power was related to the demon, which was just a whole new thing to tackle.

But then Tommy was adamant that Wilbur should stay dead, and he sounded almost fearful as he mentioned him. Was Dream, or the demon, truly planning to revive him? Did they have some scheme no one knew about?

I closed my eyes against the sunlight. All my thoughts and questions were just becoming tangled. The Dreamon—as I decided to call it—wasn't going to let the prison stop its control. Reviving Wilbur would bring back old chaos, and that's exactly what the Dreamon liked.

And I had a feeling that the revived Wilbur would do more than just ignite a string of TNT.



Sorry, I lost motivation with school starting up and everything. Hope you guys are doing well though <3

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