[68] Just Us

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A few others came to express their sympathy, including Wilbur and Tommy, but most people were soon gone, leaving me in the quiet room. I took my place on the floor near Dream's bed, sitting up against the wall. I was determined to stay near Dream's side.

Karl, Sapnap, and George stayed in the house, and I was glad they did. Having them nearby was a comfort, even if they barely said a word. They came in every so often to check on Dream but it soon became a point to check on me as well. I brushed their concern off, saying I was fine.

I was fine.

I think.

Sapnap came in to sit with me for a bit, and we mostly rested in silence. If we shared any words, they were quiet, basically whispers. George poked his head in, glancing at Dream before telling us he and Karl had made dinner.

I wasn't very hungry but Karl managed to convince me to leave the room at least once to eat something. Sapnap said he would stay with Dream just in case anything happened—at least until I came back.

Everything around me was just...slow. Like we were moving through hazy water. It was quiet too. I could tell George was trying to distract us all by bringing up every other topic that didn't involve Dream. But he soon ran out of words to say, and even he couldn't convince himself to be optimistic.

I didn't realize how hungry I was until the food was sitting in front of me. I ate it up pretty fast and decided to shower as well.

I hadn't looked in the mirror since this morning. That time felt like so long ago. My hair stuck up in random places and my clothes were dirty and spotted with blood. A light scar now ran over the bridge of my nose and the top of my lip was faintly streaked with dried blood. I looked absolutely disgusting. How had my friends let me walk around like this?

I got in the shower and scrubbed my body a couple times over until the water running down the drain turned from a dirty pink to crystal clear.

The shower was refreshing and my eyes looked clearer when I looked in the mirror again. I felt a lot better, but there was still a lingering headache. All the day's events had started to weigh down on me, and It felt like it would all just collapse like a pile of snow any moment now. I was tired. So tired. But sleep could wait. Dream probably couldn't.

When I entered Dream's room again, Sapnap looked up from the plate of food he was finishing up. George must have joined him at some point during my shower because he was now sitting beside Sapnap.

"When do you think he'll wake up?" Sapnap nodded his head in Dream's direction as he pushed himself to his feet, speaking in a hushed tone.

I noticed the way he purposely said 'wake up' instead of the alternative.

I looked over at Dream. "Wake up? I—I don't know." I swallowed a thick lump that had suddenly formed in my throat. "I don't even—"

"His breathing's better." Sapnap said. I couldn't tell if he cut my words off intentionally or not. "That's gotta mean something, right?"

"Really?" I murmured as I absently stared at Dream, studying him a bit closer. Now that Sapnap had mentioned it, Dream did look to be breathing a little more normally now, but...was that just my hopeful mind playing tricks on me? Maybe Sapnap was right and I just hadn't noticed because I had been sitting here for hours already.

"I hope so," I whispered finally.

George moved to stand as well. "How long are you staying in here?"

The sun had already gone down, and the last of its light barely shone through the window. Even though I felt tired, I didn't think I would be able to sleep a wink while Dream was still unconscious.

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