[37] You Surprised?

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An irritable cloud hung over Dream the next day. He ignored Wilbur's attempted jokes and he snapped at me more often than usual. At one point, my face screwed up in a snarl and a retort flew to the tip of my tongue, but I reigned it back in at the last second. Arguing with him in the Nether had already proved to be a bad idea.

But as the day waxed on, I began to put the pieces together. The Dreamon was tired.

I knew the Demon that possessed Dream's body didn't sleep—he told me that himself. But since he was tied to a mortal body, it made sense that at some point, he would have to sleep.

And I couldn't help but smile to myself. How lucky that I was planning to escape this very night and Dream was tired enough to actually sleep.

My door was always locked at night, though. Even after all this time, Dream was keen on keeping me locked up, and it seemed tonight was no different. I had hoped he would somehow forget, with his exhaustion and all, but that turned out to be wishful thinking.

I stayed awake for a long time, the distant sound of crickets becoming a metronome in my ears. I didn't have a clock, so I couldn't tell what time it was, nor how much time had passed. But even after so long, my frenzied thoughts ran themselves to the ground, and the chirping crickets carried me to sleep.

My eyes fluttered open, and I shot up in my cot. No, no, no. How could I have fallen asleep?

But my room was still dark, a faint glow only offered by the moonlight streaming through the iron bars of my window. My sudden, racing heart slowed a little. I still had time to escape.

I slipped on my shoes and picked up the wooden spoon I had placed under my bed after dinner, creeping over to the door. Before I tried anything, I twisted the doorknob—just to see if it would open. Maybe Dream didn't lock it all the way?

Of course it was still locked tight. I pursed my lips and positioned the end of the spoon to wedge between where the metal doorknob met the sturdy, wooden door. There was no gap between the two. Not yet at least. If I wiggled the spoon for long enough, I was sure I could create one.

Even after healing from my wounds—and earning a black scar that ran across my left palm—working the spoon into the door proved to be an exhausting task. I didn't seem to be getting anywhere with it.

But after touching the pad of my finger on the wood, it proved to be bending and splintering under the force. That small dent in the door added more fuel to my determination.

I started pulling on the doorknob with all my strength, wiggling it every way I could. I had to keep as quiet as possible, though. The night brought silence and I needed to hold onto that as much as possible. If Dream came down the stairs now, my last, attempted plan would be ruined. I didn't want to think about what sort of life would come after that.

I used my strength to push down on the doorknob from the top. It was so loose now, there was no way it wouldn't break off.

And sure enough, it did. There was no time for me to brace myself as metal snapped and I fell hard onto my hands and knees. The doorknob on my side chattered like a bell on the stone and I cringed when I heard the other one clatter loudly on the other side.

All was still for a few seconds after—and a few seconds more. The silence was almost suffocating, and I drew a breath as I slowly rose to my feet, my entire body tense.

No footsteps sounded above, not even the crickets outside had ceased their chirps. I was...safe?

My shoulders relaxed just a little bit as I stepped closer to the door again. There was a hole in it now, where the doorknobs had been attached. I used the hole to pull the door and it swung towards me, only briefing scraping the stone floor. It was open.

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