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"Flashes of the past keep coming. Can you hold me tight?"- scribble writer

Flashback continues.....

"Oh Hyung! I am dead tired" Jimin said after stretching.

"Yeah. The presentation is almost done. Where is Tae?" Namjoon asked.

"He texted me and said that Jin hyung and Tae are going for a movie date" Jimin said.

"Oh, date and all. I am sure after our career starts sailing, Tae will marry Jin hyung. He is desperate man" Namjoon said.

"Yeah. I am also sure about it" Jimin said. they both went out of their small cubicles.

"What about you and Soo An?" Namjoon asked.

"Nothing. Just a casual one. Yeah, we did spend a night. But it was just a moment of insanity. Nothing else" Jimin said. he loves her. But doesn't know about her.

"She can also like you. But not saying it" Namjoon said.

"May be hyung. I don't know. Ok now go and take some rest. I have to head home. Otherwise the last bus will also leave soon" Jimin said and left. When he reached home, he saw that Soo An was waiting in the couch. She was looking stressed and worried.

"what happened Soo An?" Jimin asked. Soo An looked at him.

"Jimin! I am pregnant" She said. Jimin looked at her. He is going to be a father? He can't believe it.

"Oh my god I am going to be father? Did you inform Jin Hyung?" Jimin said while hugging Soo An.

"You don't have to worry about anything. Our dance academy will start very soon. Then I will be able to provide anything. Noona, Tae, Jin hyung and Namjoon will be super happy." Jimin said.

"Thankyou. I was worried that you won't accept this baby" Soo An said.

"Why not? This is my kiddo Afterall" Jimin said. jimin took the responsibility of informing everyone. He did also. Everyone was happy. Jin was skeptical about it.

"Are you sure Chim? Like you guys are only eighteen. Isn't it too early?" Jin said.

"Annio hyung. Don't worry. By the time my baby will come, our academy will start." Jimin said.

"He is right Jin. Nothing to worry. My career is also going well. We will soon make money" Taehyung said.

Bong cha is going to take acre of Soo An. Although Jin is her elder brother, but girls better understand. Days went by. Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon started working extra hard. Their academy has started. It was small and only had few students. But it was good. They named it Dosante. They will soon start hiring Choreographers. The check ups of Soo An is also going great. Jimin goes sometimes. Taehyung's singing career is also going great. He has released his song "JUST ONE DAY" the song is already hitting the charts. He is preparing for his next song. They decided to have a small gathering. They all met at Namjoon's house. Drinks were not allowed as Soo An was pregnant.

"Come on guys, let's celebrate our success. We are sailing great. Cheers to us" Namjoon said.

"Our relationship has also turned 9 months" Taehyung said kissing Jin.

"Our daughter will also come very soon right Jin hyung?" Jimin asked. Jin nodded. Jimin decided to name his daughter Sooji. They really enjoyed the evening.

At around 2pm, Jimin received a call from Taehyung.

"yeboseyo"Jimin said.

"Jimin please come quickly. Jin is having a stomach ache. I am taking him to hospital." Taehyung said.

"I am on my way Tae. Don't worry. Did you inform Namjoon hyung?" Jimin asked.

"Yes. He is coming with Noona" Taehyung said. he hanged up. Jimin looked at his right and saw that Soo An is sleeping peacefully. When he arrived, he saw that Namjoon is standing besifde Taehyung. Who was looking completely pale.

"What's the status?" Jimin asked.

"The doctors have not come out yet. Its been 30 minutes" Namjoon said.

"Chim what happened? He was perfectly fine this evening. Suddenly what happened?" Taehyung asked.

"Nothing is going to happen Tae. He will be fine." The doctors came out after 15 minutes.

"The patient is stable now. He is still unconscious. But" The doctor stopped midway.

"But what doctor?" Namjoon asked.

"Jin was pregnant. But he just lost his baby. He was given a dangerous medicine. In the future, it will be a huge danger for him to conceive in the future" The doctor said.

"But doctor Jin never takes unprescribed medicine. How is that possible?" Taehyung said.

"This medicine can be taken with any liquid. It starts its effect after 2 hours" The doctor said.

"What?" Taehyung said. he broke down in tears. Namjoon hugged him tightly.

"Why this happened hyung?" Taehyung said hugging Namjoon.

"Tae you have to stay strong. You can't fall weak now" Namjoon said.

"I think Jin hyung should come and stay with us. Soo An will be around him. He will be fine" Jimin said and everybody nodded.

End of flashback

"That was the worst decision ever hyung" Jimin said. "If I haven't took that decision then that Soo An wouldn't have manipulated Jin hyung against me. Jin and Sooji wouldn't got kidnapped. That bastard wouldn't have done what he did" Jimin said with tears.

"We didn't know that Soo An was all pretending and was plotting against us with that bastard" Namjoon said.

"Hyung is right Jimin. She didn't even say that the baby was not yours. It was just a one-night stand's outcome. She just wanted some money. She thought that you will scream at her and she will take the advantage of the situation and will grab the money. But instead you accepted her. So, that became the major problem" Taehyung said.

"But we really need to know why Noona died. What she was doing at Busan?" Jimin said....


Hey guys! I am back with another update. so finally, the most awaited Flashback is here. But still some questions are unanswered. Don't worry they will be answered very soon. One more thing guys, this chapter showed us that life can be full of hurdles. But never be afraid to move forward. Although this story is an imagination, but never loose the confidence in yourself. Always think that you can win if you work a little bit harder. I know sometimes it becomes overwhelming. But still trust yourself and work hard. Until you achieve your dream. I hope you are enjoying my story. Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter. Leave your comments. I would love to hear from you all. Thanks to all my silent readers.

The new BTS's song is awesome. I just loved the song. Although the name is 'FILM OUT' But I became out of this world after listening to it.. Jin's vocal was amazing. What you guys think? It was emotional and melodious. Just loved ittttt. What about you guys?

See you all in my next update. till then,


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