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"Can you love me?"- scribble writer

The third and the final round arrived. The musical went really well. When the result was announced, Jungkook and Taemin were holding each other's hands. It was a close call between the US and Dosante. But finally, Dosante won. They won first place in dance and singing categories and second in Musicals. The Russian team won the first prize. They were more worthy though. Everybody, including Jong Suk wanted congratulatory treat from Jimin. Jungkook was not interested as he was mostly avoiding Jimin. But Heiji and Taemin insisted Jungkook to join in.

"Coachnim our success is incomplete without you. You have to be there in the party" Minho said. Jimin was standing a bit far. He really wanted to know that why Jungkook is avoiding him.

"He was quite playful and was also talking to me when we came here. Then what happened?" Jimin thought to himself.

"Mr. Park. Why don't you ask Jungkook to stay back? He will listen to you" Jong Suk said. He was trying to play the role of Cupid. He really wants Jimin and Jungkook to be together. Jimin took this opportunity.

"Everybody is right Mr. Jeon. Just stay for the dinner. We all are leaving tomorrow only. If you have hurry then you can come in my car." Jimin said and immediately regretted his offer.

"Oh, I mean. I also have to attend a meeting tomorrow in the afternoon. So, I am also leaving early. It's just a suggestion." He modified his sentence. Jong Suk and the students were smiling. They already hinted something. But Jungkook was least bothered. His heart is not ready to have any sort of false hopes. He still loves him though.

"No No Sir. I am fine and I will leave with the other students. You don't have to be bothered about me. you can carry on" Jungkook said ending all possibilities. The party continued in full motion. The students were really enjoying themselves. But Jimin was staring at Jungkook. He was talking to Heiji. He was laughing and chatting with everyone but he.

"Why am I feeling so bothered? Why am I feeling so restless? Why am I feeling that I know you? Are you really my friend or enemy? Or it is all in just my head? I am having a feeling that you like me. but why are behaving with me like this? What did I do?" Jimin thought to himself.

"Stop staring at him Jimin. You will bore holes in him" Jong Suk said teasing Jimin.

"Really Jong? I am not staring at him. I am looking at everyone and not at anyone particular" Jimin said. Jong Suk just laughed. Everybody then left for their room, as they all have flights tomorrow and they all were tired.

Next morning, everybody woke up with tiredness. But they have to leave for the airport. Jungkook checked everybody. He was responsible for the check outs and looking after the students. Within 1 hour 15 minutes they all reached Seoul. Jimin left in his car as Clark is waiting for him in the office. Jungkook left after the bus took all the students. Jong Suk left along with the students. Jungkook left in the cab as his house is in the opposite direction. On the way, he received a call from Hoseok.

"Hey Jungkook where are you?"

"I am on the way Hyung" Jungkook answered.

"ok you go back and take some rest and I will come back in the evening and we will celebrate your win together. I also something amazing to tell you" Hoseok said and hanged up.

Jungkook reached home, unpacked and cleaned himself. He went to bed to take a nap. He wanted to forget to forget this empty feeling in his heart. He will be fine but maybe it is not today.

On the other hand, Jimin went to his office to meet Clark.

"Yes Clark. Tell me what information you have?" Jimin asked.

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