Prologue: things have gone horribly wrong

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(Won't be the cleanest formatting as I type these chapters up on my phone but I'll try my best)
Anyways hello everyone and welcome to my first story on wattpad. This chapter was honestly written months before any of the others so it's a bit directionless (I'll probably go back and edit it later)

I woke up in a fortress... or maybe the burning ruins of a fortress would be more appropriate.

I could hear the fire roaring in the distance. I wasn't in danger of burning yet but I did not want to stick around.

I'm not sure where I am and I'm not even sure who or what I am. Rubble seems to be scattered around me so I suppose some of it fell on my head. Regardless it does not matter.

"I need to get out of here" pondering is great and all but it won't do me much good if I get crushed by falling debris or burn up here.

I begin pushing the rubble out of my way and making my way through the fortress.

'Why does my back hurt so much?' the question on my mind is answered fairly quickly as the tattered remains of wings come into the corner of my vision.

"So I have wings huh. Ok then" I'm not freaking out so this must be normal for me.

Sadly these rambling thoughts of mine are cut short as explosions are heard. Close by explosions at that.

It seems that whatever caused this mess isn't done yet. I should keep moving.


'Rubble, wreckage, fire, and oh look more rubble. How nice. Seriously what the heck happened he-' BOOM!

Another explosion sent me stumbling back as and the wall to my left gave way. I noticed something different looking under some of the destroyed wall.

"What the heck is this?" I said while digging out the the obscured object only for my off hand question to be quickly answered.


RESULTS: Bronze Shield
A shield made of bronze. Offers modest defense against physical attacks and low level fire and ice magic.

"I'm not sure what just happened but it seems like this may be a bit helpful." I said picking the shield up surprised by how much weight it seemed to have.

My surprise was quickly cut short by another explosion that while not quite as intense got my attention. Only then did I realize the sounds of yelling and weapons clashing.

The conflict that caused this damage hadn't just ended. It was still going on... only then did I start to gag at the smell of burnt bodies filling the air and notice a handful of dead bodies and severed limbs scattered throughout. Some looked human others looked like beasts. Others were piles of ash likes caused by some strong fire magic.

"Let's go the other way" I said walking down a darker passageway to try and get away from the fighting while keeping the shield above my head to protect me from falling debris.


The pathway was not as long as I had expected it to be. Quickly it lead to a strange room filled with green. Part of the roof had caved in with more crushed bodies were in the room. All save for one.

A little girl flopped out on the ground. Chained around her wrists and ankles. She was unconscious and darkened from the dust and smoke that filled the air but in much better shape than everyone else seeing as she was not crushed.

"Who is this? A human child?"

Age: 3-4
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Rank: ?
Status: poor
Suggestion: move subject to area with cleaner air to allow for more effective breathing. Water is also recommended once subject regains consciousness.

"It happened again... weird but whatever."

I don't know who this child is aside from
Her name being Elise but she seems far too young to be in this place. Much less chained up.

This whole situation was not sitting right with me and while I still have many questions something in me is telling me to protect this child though I intended to do that anyways. I may not know who or what I am but hurting kids regardless of their background just isn't right.

Little did I know this would not only throw my life for a massive loop. But be one of the best decisions I ever made.

Hello everyone. Hope you enjoyed the prologue of my first story. I've done some writing in the past both academic and cringe fanfiction but this is my first time writing an original story so it may be ok or it may be absolute shit.

I'm planning to keep this a somewhat up beat story but there will be a ton of mature themes here. Hope you enjoy and constructive criticism is appreciated.

Edit: sooo freaking many things went wrong this last month and I basically Hs to start the story over. Thankfully I still have my cliff notes but I lost 10 fairly long chapters so I got my plot points but I basically had to start over and I'll be doing shorter chapters instead (around 1000 words instead of 3500)

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