Chapter 22 Defending Temuri Village

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1:25 am
After multiple days passed the knights returned with reports of the Bloodbear having been slain. A small party was held for keeping the village safe.

Auri chose to go to bed early but as a receptionist I needed to stick around to get work done.

Most of the people had left by now aside from Captain Surenis, Gan, and Eusis.

Even Damian and Leur retired to their beds by this point but Eusis was just reading a book at his table while drinking something meanwhile Gan and Captain Surenis were having a drinking competition and while I'm not sure if that's very appropriate for knights neither of them seemed even slightly affected by the alcohol. I suppose it makes sense for the Captain given she's literally half horse but Gan was just a slightly larger than average Goblin. How was he handling it so well?

Regardless I found myself cleaning up the mess but was surprised to see Eusis helping me out. I decided to repress my snarky comments and simply give him thanks and he gave a nod in return.

Soon after the captain and Gan decided to call their competition a draw for now and cleaned their table.

After about 20 more minutes of straightening up I decided I should probably bathe before I go to bed so I got a towel and chose to enter the bath house.

I saw the woman's side of the bath house seemed to be empty so I got in alone feeling the warm water envelope my body while the cold air remained above, the open air baths were free to those staying at the inn while the closed ones costed extra.

I noticed my body was covered in dirt and a bit of blood, unfortunately while my back had healed from the surgery my wounds where my wings used to be still bled a bit from time to time.

It stung at first but eventually became relaxing. I could feel my eyelids starting to get heavier as the exhaustion from work and worry finally caught up to me.

"*sigh* so much as happened these last two months." I said to no one as I thought about it

I woke up in a burning fortress without my memories. I escaped with Aurelia, or Auri as she preferred to be called. I formed a companion link with her. We found shelter from the cold only to be attacked by bandits where my wing was cut off and I was mortally wounded.

Thankfully Argos found us and managed to save my life. We ended up going to Temuri village where I found out I was extremely dangerous so Argos decided to adopt me as his own daughter to keep me safe.

I put my analytic abilities to use to help out the knights and even earn a job as an apprentice guild receptionist. I grew to know the knights and maybe even began to consider some of them friends.

It was a mess being at deaths door 3 times within a 2 week period but things finally seemed to calm down. Maybe I'd be lucky and things would stay this way at least until the Duchess arrived so I wouldn't need to worry about Auri anymore. She was so young but had to endure so much though I suppose many would consider me no different since I'm only 14.

As much as I'd love to drift off here I knew it'd be dangerous to sleep in the water so I pulled myself up and began to dry myself off with a towel. For many it'd be extremely cold but I wasn't as effected by temperature though I'm not sure if that's because of my ice magic or because I was a daimanos. Regardless of how it felt I needed to dry off to avoid risking hypothermia. I made use of my towel before throwing on my underwear and night gown. I remember the inn keeper said the yellow night gown didn't match my crimson eyes or pitch black hair but I dunno I liked it.

Speaking of hair maybe I was crazy but I noticed a lock of it had become white it was strange but I just chalked it up to stress.

As I was getting ready to head to bed I overheard whispers.

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