Chapter 15 Adoption

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Hello everyone hope y'all are doing well. Today I visited my grandmas church and they had a guest preacher. What really surprised me was that this was the man that wed my adoptive parents. Why is this relevant? Well you read the chapter name so you can figure it out.

Elizabeth POV

"Adoption forms?" I'll admit I was surprised to see these

"Yes I talked it over with Argos before the questioning. We decided if you passed then this would be the best option for you." Dawn informed me

Wait a second... "passed? So then that entire interrogation was a test?" I'll admit I was somehow both surprised and not even remotely surprised at the same time.

Dawn chuckled a moment before composing herself

"Guilty. Yes Elizabeth this was a test to see if you could answer serious questions honestly as well as gauge a bit of your personality."

"I... I see. So then what sort of results did you get out of that personality test?" I asked but was admittedly a bit concerned what response I would receive.

"You're very powerful but you're a girl that startles easily and puts up a brave facade but have abandonment issues and are uncomfortable being alone or being around strangers. I've seen you repeatedly wrap your tail around your legs so I imagine that's what you personal nervous tick is." She told me

"Ouch... I cant say you're wrong but still kinda harsh."

"I wish I was done. Elizabeth I can tell you mean well but you're also the kind of person that would give her everything to someone that treated you well... unfortunately to the point you'd be extremely easy to manipulate." She began but I could tell by her tone she had more to say

"Your gift of analysis already makes you a prime target for people but you're also a young girl without any memories or known family and while we are somewhat near the border you're probably one of the only Daimanos living in the Galeris Empire."

"Elizabeth I'm not sure if Argos or I can help you recover your memories but I know we can at least provide you a foundation for your life here. Normally I'd give you time to consider things but I'm afraid I'm going to need an answer from you before you walk out of this tent." She finished

This was a fair amount to take in. She was right I had no memories or past. I don't know if I'll have any way to recover them and I'm now living in an Empire as basically the only one of my kind.

Things were moving fast but I needed to ask one last thing before continuing.

"Hey Daw- er Captain Surenis. Is Argos ok with all of this? While he did save me and Elise we've only really known each other for a week. Doesn't that seem a little strange to just adopt a mysterious girl clearly from a different nation that claims to have no memories?" I asked

"You're saying why aren't we scared it's a trap? Well let's just say Argos is a good judge of character. He definitely has his own personal reasons for agreeing to this but they're not my place to say." Dawn finished

"I see... well alright. I suppose it's better to have people in my corner than not... where do I sign?" I stated deciding to stick with this decision

"Decisive. I appreciate that. Well then Elizabeth you don't need to sign anything here I can stamp the approval form myself. However there is another form I'll need the two of you to fill out tonight and tomorrow but that will be something for the two of you to talk over." Dawn had her gentle smile on her face again.


The next few hours passed like a blur and before I knew it Auri, Argos, and myself were all back at the cabin. While Auri was just sort of laying down Argos and I were going through many different papers.

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