Chapter 9: Questions

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Longer chapter more Liz focused
(Dawn POV)
Time: 11:15 am
Location: Temuri Village Nurses Tent

After Leur Finished patching me up she mentioned Argos and with all the comedic timing of a bad sitcom he appeared.

"Er yes. Mr Argos since you used to be a combat medic I wanted to ask if you're familiar with any creatures capable of causing a living thing to rot?" Leur asked him while I threw my undershirt on. I suppose I should get a jacket first.

"Ah wait Captain I need to relocate your shoulder!" Leur said sounding a bit flustered but also tired. I remember her mentioning revival magic being exhausting.

"Oh right. Argos would you be willing to help. Leur said I'm not allowed to relocate it myself." I requested his assistance

"Certainly" he walked over and grabbed my left arm before doing a quick adjustment with a loud pop filled the tent.

"Oooh that was a loud one." I joked

"Indeed. Anyways I have encountered creature with Rot before but traditionally they were either undead or frequently ate carrion like Valgaros."
Just imagine an Odogaron from MH world for now I don't have a picture
"I see. This creature wasn't undead and was different from a Valgaros. It was some sort of giant Mantis like creature with 8 wings." I told him

"Hmmmmm I can't say I'm familiar with it. Do you have anything I can look at for the creature." He asked me

"Well we did cut off one of its limbs so I suppose Gan salvaged something." I told him not really sure but knowing him he probably salvaged something.

"Alright then I'll go see him after I run my Errands." Argos said

"Oh what errands? I thought you already handled everything a couple days ago." Leur asked without much thought

"... Clothes shopping"

Elizabeth's POV
Time: 11:45 am
Location: Argos Cabin

"Alright Auri it's time for a bath." I said having heated the water after remembering I had fire magic I was surprised it seemed to work underwater though.


Thankfully the bath went without a hitch. I was able to use the sponge and soap to quickly clean Auri off then when we were done quickly dried her off with the towel.

"Alright Auri go put on your sweater on and sit down by the fire." I instructed her

"Ok Liz." She replied in her usually cheerful tone

After putting on a fluffy white sweater she left to the living room/kitchen area and now it was just me.

Hoo boy.

I dropped my towel to the ground and reheated the water in the large bucket before sitting myself down in there.

The warm water felt nice but also made my old injuries started to sting... really badly actually. It felt as if those wounds from a few days ago were torn back open so I checked the water but there was no blood just a lot of pain. Any medicine or adrenaline I had for the past few days had worn off and now that I had time that I didn't need to worry about keeping myself or Auri alive for a minute everything that happened over these last few days hit me like a truck. It was scary... it hurt... I brought my knees up to my chest and for the first time since I woke up in that terrible burning fortress I started to cry. A constant stream of tears fell down my face and just wouldn't stop. For the first time in days I felt vulnerable. Hell I wasn't some strong warrior or some hero I was a freaking succubus and even then I wasn't one of those busty adults people fawned over I was a freaking teenager barely into the first stages of puberty. I kept crying for minutes on in until a voice interrupted my thoughts.

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