Chapter 21: Wrath of the bloodbear

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Eusis POV
Bloodbear Cave
7:15 am

Everyone awoke and we reached the cave where the bloodbear was spotted. We reached the cave and noticed that shortly in the paths diverted into two tunnels we decided the best option was to split teams. Captain Surenis would wait outside the cave to guard the entrance as she wouldn't be good at maneuvering around inside a cave.

We further divided the teams having Rastoc, Leur, and Dave take the left tunnel while I would take the Right tunnel alongside Damian and Gan that way Leur and Damian could effectively keep our two teams in contact.

Really Laurence and possible even Cazra could handle a bloodbear single handedly however, they were to remain in Temuri Village to keep it safe so it was just us seven at the moment.

As we walked through the cave we noticed a surprising lack of monsters or anything but as we continued we soon learned why

Body parts were strewn about the floor and blood soaked the walls. We were in for a fight.

Damian readied his twin spears and Gam pulled out his hatched while I went to draw my long swords and readied a spell in case I'd need it.

Then inside we saw it the ursine feasting off the creatures of this cave. Quickly the bloodbear saw us and snarled reading for battle

"Leur we found the bloodbear and it's not gonna wait for us to form up" I could hear Damian say likely using his companion link.

And with that the battle was on.

"Bareja!" I cast a spell to protect the 3 of us. Though it wouldn't outright stop the bloodbear it would reduce the damage significantly.

As the spell went up I began working in and elemental weapon spell for the 3 of use so Gan jumped into battle slashing at the legs of the bloodbear

The bear snarled in irritation and focused solely on Gan. In the meantime Leur used her companion link to cast a fortification spell on Damian and he rushed the bear to bash it with his shield. His broadsword at the ready.

His weapon of choice was a Holy Mace but that meant it was unable to be enhanced by elemental magic so he was working with his side arm.

"GROOAAAAARRRR!" The bloodbear roared as it brought its massive claws down only to smack into Damians shield with a *Thud* echoing throughout the cavern.

Finally my spell was finished.

"AGIOS!" I yelled as our weapons began to glow and were coated in fire. Gan and Damian used the boost to hack away at the monsters arms and legs leaving massive gashes.

The wounds that weren't cauterized immediately drilled blood the sizzled on the ground letting off steam.

Not concerned with the sizzling blood I dashed forward skewering my flaming rapier into the bloodbear causing it to catch fire inside and out. The monster was done

Or so I thought. The bloodbear responded to being ignited by swiping hard forcing Gan to retreat and slamming Damian into a wall, thankfully he was able to recover quickly thanks to the fortification spell. And lastly the bloodbear attempted to grab me with his blazing claws.

I had to dodge back quickly with my rapier still left inside the beast I had to draw my short sword instead. We regrouped into formation while the bloodbear was mostly consumed by the fire but still alive and still trying to kill us

 We regrouped into formation while the bloodbear was mostly consumed by the fire but still alive and still trying to kill us

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"How is this thing still going?!?" I said in frustration.

"While fire is an effective way to kill a bloodbear they'll almost always enter am ignited state for the last few minutes of their life." Gan replied

"Good news it's only its last legs bad news we've essentially gotta deal with an A rank monster until it's body gives out" Damian quipped

Wait A rank? A bloodbear is only supposed to be C rank isn't it?

"The bear no longer snarled or roared it simple charged and we had to dodge its reckless slashes

"Gan, Eusis, can you distract it for a bit?" Damian asked us

"*sigh* just remember to use a cooling spell before you do something stupid this time." Gan stated before dashing off to get the bears attention once again and I did the same through instead of throwing things at the bear I shot it with different magic elements without channeling any serious spell. They didn't do as much damage but they were quicker and worked for disorienting.

"GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Damian Slammed shield first right into the bloodbear knocking it back but the creature recovered quickly bringing its right claw down but too bad for the bloodbear it wasn't near fast enough as Damian was able to stop the claw with his shield and immediately retaliated by slamming his Mace into the head of the bloodbear causing a loud *crack* to sound throughout the cave

The bears skull was caved in only bone fragments and ash remained. The fight was over.

"Well that was... eventful." I said pulling my rapier out of the creatures smoldering corpse. The blade was still super heated but the condition was fine.

Damian POV

"You could say that again Eusis." I laughed putting my arm around his shoulder

He simply sighed and smirked.

Call me crazy but I think he's chilled out a lot these last few months. Still some of the noble arrogance and a discontent for adventurers but he works hard and gives it all in battle. He's got a good head on his shoulders.

"Oh I should probably contact Leur and let her know we're done."

"Hey Leur are you there?"

"Oh Damian is everything ok?"

"Yeah. The bloodbear was handled. We're not in the best of shape but the 3 of us can still walk."

"Good to hear. Not too much happened on our end just a few just a Coyo feeding on some corpses likely caused by the bloodbear."

"Alrighty then. Ready to meet back up and join the captain."

We both cut the link on our ends.

As we exited the tunnel we saw the captain covered all over in blood. Leur dashes forward without thinking reaching into her bag for medicine but stopped dead in her tracks when she reached the captain and when I reached her I understood why.

The blood wasn't hers it was the blood of all the dire wolves and Frozen Ursine. There must have been 3 ursine and a dozen or so wolves and she took them all out on her own and didn't seem even remotely phased.

I turned back to see Eusis and Dave also had shocked looks on their faces but Gan and Rastoc didn't look even remotely surprised.

"Captain at least drink a potion just in case." I heard Leur say with an annoyed tone

"Ugggggh Fine" I turned back to see the Centaur woman take the flask of blue liquid and gulp it down.

"It's no big deal. Though I guess I should be glad everything isn't as intense as that reaper mantis we fought eh Gan." She spoke aloud

"Heh, you definitely are your fathers daughter." He replied immediately

Huh... ya know I don't remember anything about her father I knew her mother was a teacher but her father passed away some 20 years ago from what I've heard.

"Yeah yeah sure. Let's go back to the village." She quickly responded and began to walk back in that direction

Hopefully we'd rest somewhere along the way. The rest of us didn't have freakish stamina like captain Surenis.

And that's the chapter hope y'all enjoyed. You may have noticed I now have a 3rd story in the works well that was because I had an idea I really really wanted to write so if you're interested in a more serious story that'll hopefully be better paced and written than this glorious mess considering giving "the "evil" witches rebirth" a look.

Anyways see y'all with whatever story I decide to update next

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