Chapter 16: OH BOY 3AM

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Elizabeth POV
Time: 1:00 AM
Location: Temuri Inn

What the heck was that noise it's the middle of the night.

I yawned deeply before sitting up only to realize Auri was still grabbing onto me.

After Arg- er Dad left the village the rest of the day was honestly a blur with the one thing I distinctly remember remember being Auri and I deciding to push our beds together although it was moreso me pushing the bed because she's as strong as you'd probably expect a 4 year old to be.

After a bit I managed to free myself of Auri's grasp and got up to see what the source of the noise was.

I saw two men in knights armor but neither of them looked familiar. Apparently I wasn't the only one alerted by the noise.

"Eusis, Dave, it's the middle of the night why are you being so loud when people are trying to sleep?!?!?" I heard the familiar voice of the Goblin Knight Gan.

So I guess these two were the remaining knights that served under Captain Surenis... wow her squad is a strange bunch.

"Sorry boss we just got back. Oh uhhh we got the approval to set up the guild branch finally."
A generic sounding voice said

"Ugh. Why are we wasting our time on this work. We are knights are we not it is our duty to slay monsters and uphold order not do the work of a carpenter" an irritated and holier than thou voice said.

Well he seemed like rainbows and sunshine... not.

"Eusis a knights duty is to help its citizens first and foremost. Didn't you learn this in noble school?" I could overhear Gan say

"And as I said keep it down. You're attracting too much attention." Gan then pointed at me surprisingly.

Well this is awkward. I was on the second floor of the inn with the lights turned off. I'm not sure how I stood out that much but I guess stealth wasn't my strong suit.

"Heheh" I awkwardly laughed to myself as I waved to them.

Deciding it wasn't worth hanging around I chose to lie back in bed and try to fall asleep.


At least that was the intention. But I could hear the idiots working on something on the ground floor of the inn for a while now. I wasn't sure how but I could tell roughly 2 hours had passed. Needless to say it had gotten in my nerves.

I finally decided to go downstairs to see what the heck was going on. I thought about throwing something else on but decided my night gown was more than enough since it covered any naughty bits and went down well past my knees. I also tried wrapping my tail around my left leg to try and calm me down but all I really did was end up squeezing my leg a few times no calmer than before.

I also didn't know at the time but I had a serious case of bedhead ended up obscuring my admittedly small horns. I honestly looked just like any other human teenage girl.

I tried my best to leave the room quietly to not disturb Auri who was somehow still sleeping through all of this. Come to think of it was I the only one in the inn bothered by the noise?

Regardless I stepped out of my room and headed into the hallway. The inn itself was 3 floors and had a balcony of sorts hanging over the main hall of the ground floor so I could see Gan and the other 2 building something... well more like Gan building something while one of them was reluctantly helping at best while the other one was digging through a box looking for something.

"*yaaaaaaawn* Gan it's the middle of the night what could be so important that you have to build it now of all times?" I asked still somewhat groggy despite being unable to sleep for the last 2 hours.

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