Chapter 11 first meeting

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Hello everyone here's another chapter

Auri POV
Time: 5:17 am
Location Argos Cabin
My eyes opened to the darkness still outside but I couldn't move for some reason. I took a second to adjust my senses to realize Liz was holding me and... singing?

"-please don't take my sunshine away." Her singing voice was admittedly rough

"Liz?" I asked still groggy

"Auri! Thank goodness you're awake. How are you feeling?" She asked and while I couldn't see her face too well the concern was clear in her voice.

"It was scary Liz... I was so scared." I said and tears began to well up in my eyes again.

No I gotta keep them under control. I can't keep crying

"It's ok Auri. I know it was scary but you're safe now... we're safe now." She told me trying to comfort me but the second part sounded like she was trying to assure herself.

I didn't respond but instead I simply hugged her.

We were a completely hopeless duo but we were gonna do our best to make it.

Time: 7:30 am
Location: Argos Cabin

"Are you sure you're ok... Elise?" I asked Auri remembering a few hours ago

"Mmmhhhmmm" she responded to me and nodded while eating her scrambled eggs for breakfast.

"A nightmare huh." Argos chimes in

"Hey Mr Argos now do you deal with nightmares?" I asked curious if he had any advice.

"Oh I don't really have any dreams." He replied flatly

"Oh... I see." Well so much for that idea

An awkward silence filled the air for a while

"Anyways once you're finished eating get dressed and we'll head to Temuri Village. It's about a 10 minute walk so it isn't too far." He told us before heading into his room.

... about 2 hours later ...

After finishing our breakfast we got dressed Auri put on her outfit and flipped up her hoodie while I put on my red cap. I was still surprised by how much the pink and white outfit contrasted from my pitch black hair but in a weird way I like it. This felt far more like me than whatever that "outfit" succubi usually worse looked like.

After informing Argos that we were dressed he left his room holding a tool bag and told us it was time for us to head to the village.

... 15 minutes later ...

We finally arrived at Temuri village and I was surprised to see the nice little winter village behind the large wooden wall

Inside we were greeted by 2 Knights. One was a young man with dark hair and blue eyes wearing a green uniform and the other was a mystery man covered in grey plate armor and a visor over his helmet making it impossible to really see his face.

"Ah hello Argos and... company?" The young man said less confused by us and moreso sounded surprised that Argos wasn't alone.

The other knight in full armor said nothing simply turning around and heading for a tent for a few minutes.

"Don't mind Laurence he doesn't talk much. He's going to get the captain. Anyways nice to see you again Argos." He turned his attention towards me and Auri

"And it's nice to meet the two of you. I'm Damian." He said politely to the two of us.

Auri seemed happy to meet new people that weren't trying to kill us and cheerfully responded "Hiya I'm Elise."

Though unlike Elise I wasn't an expert on social interactions. Heck I'm an amnesiac that's only met two people that didn't want to kill me. "...Elizabeth..." I said softly and gave a slight wave.

Elise began to ask Damian some questions and before too long the armored man Laurence and a tall woman with long flowing brown hair and the lower half of her body resembling a horse. I suppose she was a Centaur.

"Greetings. I am captain Surenis and the leader of this squadron of Knights." The way she spoke sounded robotic as if she's had to say it dozens of times.

She looked over the two of us. Somewhat surprisingly her Gaze was much softer than what her voice would lead you to believe instead giving Auri and me a Gentle smile.

Before too long she turned her attention back to Argos and said "Argos I actually have some urgent matters I need to discuss with you in private. Damian would you please show the girls around."

"Yes captain." Damian did a salute then turned his attention towards the two of us.

"Well Elizabeth and Elise. If you would follow me I'll show you around Temuri village." He said in a somewhat cheerful tone.

And so we headed off to see the sights of Temuri Village. The cold yet welcoming snowy village I would become quite familiar with over the next couple of months.

And that's the chapter. Originally I planned to make it longer but I didn't really know another good stopping point.

Anyways I mentioned in an earlier chapter that this was my first wattpad story and while that is true it's not the first story I've ever written... the first was cringe undertale fanfiction I wrote when I was a lot younger and man it was awful. Anyways I didn't really have any pictures of characters to introduce since Laurence is currently more of a suit of armor than a character so I decided to show one of the Picrews I've made of myself when I got bored

 Anyways I didn't really have any pictures of characters to introduce since Laurence is currently more of a suit of armor than a character so I decided to show one of the Picrews I've made of myself when I got bored

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Anyways that's all I got for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed and hope to see you all soon and good luck in school.

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