Chapter 8: resting up

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Hello everyone... and by that I mean just me cause I'm sitting comfortably at zero readers on most of my chapters. Ah well I'm moreso writing this for me than anything else and I left my sanity a while ago.
Rambling aside this'll hopefully be a shorter chapter

(Elizabeths POV)
Location: Berva Residence
Time: 10:00 am
"Alright Elizabeth I want you and Elise to stay inside unless necessary. I'm going to get somethings from Temuri village and make sure my last construction project worked as intended." Argos told me as if going off a mental list
"There's some Jerky and leftover soup if the two of you need an easy meal put it in a pot over the fire to heat it up. It's better for you that way." He continued

"Got it. Anything else Mr Argos?" I asked the tall red Ogre man.

"Hmmmm... OH. Yes one- er two more things. There's a large bucket in the back room if and a faucet. You can use that to take a bath but you'll need to warm up the water first unless you want really cold water. There are some towels in the back room so once you get done dry off and sit by the fire to warm up. ALSO I found some old sweaters they may be baggy but they're better than just wearing the same clothes over and over." He was starting to sound like a worried father almost funny.
"Hey Argos what should I do if someone comes knocking at the door?" I asked realizing that cliche possibly all too well.
"In the event of that happening ignore them and hope they leave. If that doesn't work try to get them to leave as politely as you can. If they ask who you are... just say you're my daughter. Just make sure they don't come in the house I don't have anyone that's supposed to visit for a while." He told me

"Will people really buy the whole daughter thing?" I asked him thinking it sounded ridiculous

"Most people won't question it because of your horns. Just keep your tail hidden and they'll assume I wasn't the parent you took after in the looks department." He told me in an self assuring tone

"I've seen my fair share of cover stories in my day and trust me it'll work for anyone not trying to find inconsistencies." He said with a trust me I've done this look on his face.

Alright I'm heading out. Take care" he said leaving me cabin

Oh just a quick note I finally updated the app so I can upload videos now
That's important because...
(Dawns POV)
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Temuri Village

After the better part of 2 hours walking back we finally arrive in Temuri village

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After the better part of 2 hours walking back we finally arrive in Temuri village. After getting inside the gates we were greeted by the two youngest members of our knight squadron. Both in their green cadet uniforms.
The first was a human boy with light blue eyes and dark brown hair and a scar across his left eye.

 The first was a human boy with light blue eyes and dark brown hair and a scar across his left eye

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